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Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • I agree that Isreal getting attacked was needed to begin the land grab and to maintain power of the political party, and to attempt to justify murder. I also agree that one reason the US is allied to Isreal its for a for hold in the region for us to project power. But that is about it. I don’t hold that America needs this partnership, to such a degree to overlook genocide.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • I did not know it was so many, but i know they were specifically targeted.

    I guess i should answer your real question, what would it take before the US should go to war with Israel? I am hesitant, they are possibly a nuclear armed power, and a war would cost even more innocent lives. But if i had to choose i would have already effectively done so.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • That sounds like an abusive relationship to me, regarding Israel. But if we could not stop Israel from committing genocide no matter what, then i would have us not enable it. If they have the resources available to commit genocide without our help, then they don’t need our help covering their defense, economy, nor political sway either.

    Would actively sending our money and troops to Palestine to attack Israel be the correct play? It’s not so cut and dry as the Ukraine/ Russia war. But that money could go tword humanitarian efforts in Palestine, i am not so much concerned about the Palestinian government as i am the Palestinian people.

  • Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump
  • I don’t see our current trajectory as being successful, so this seems the only winning play. Not changing things risks everything for no good reason

  • Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump
  • I mean yea, but that’s not really fair to him. Being president seems like a terrible burden.

  • Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump
  • It seemed a lot worse than being a little hoarse. He was conflating issues, mid sentence. And getting confused regularly in addition to seeming really feeble and not being able to answer what is asked of him. Listen if this was the first i was seeing this from the president, then i might buy this is just him mid fever. But it’s not and is expected from a man at his age. Still voting for him, but i am thinking Kamala Harris is going to have to take over the presidency before long.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • Possibly, at that point it would be based on trust that the administration would not continue genocide actions. If Israel changed the ruling party and immediately stopped their genocide then that would be the fastest means to return. I have issues with the land grab into Palestine for the same reason i side with Ukraine. But genocide gives me more than just issues.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • I knew this would come up, which is why i specified this. Might as well as cut the head off the “every country has committed genocide at some point” argument. Not every country is actively committing genocide, Israel is. America is their chef supplier of power. America is actively Shielding them from the consequences of committing genocide.

    So we should stop backing a country that is actively committing genocide full stop. No money, no weapons, no blocking sanctions, no threatening countries and organizations trying to help the victims. This is the literal bare minimum, as we should be sanctioning them, we should be guaranteeing humanitarian aid to Palestinians.

    When is it not an active genocide? When the genocide stops.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • Over an active genocide? I would immediately end a friendship with a country and as many times as it takes to not be responsible for enabling a genocide. Allies don’t let allies commit genocide, everyone knows that. Besides it takes more than a president to do a genocide.

  • A game called One Million Checkboxes has sparked a terrible online war
  • What about the person with an auto clicker that just flails his mouse all over leaving chaos and a dead zone in which no one is happy?

  • Inflation’s Wild Ride | Inflation has surged and moderated since the pandemic. As the presidential election approaches, politicians are focused on who is to blame. How did we get here?
  • I suppose you have a point, i may be confused with minimum wage, and my personal experience. The price hike on all goods seems to be independent from median wage

  • While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • It’s more of recognition that the internet is not the Wild West it used to be. Your anonymity is dependent on how much you are worth to track, and that value shrinks every day. If you want to buy cheaper video games, or watch geo locked Netflix content you are fine… for now. But the US government has been offering VPNs for people wanting to be anonymous for a wile now. So its not extreme for china to do it too.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • Sounds a lot like sunken cost fallacy. We might be better off making other allies.

  • While China has warned the West against 'decoupling', the country’s censorship system is designed for the purpose of isolation, report says
  • Probably, but any thought that VPNs keep you anonymous to anyone other then script kiddies and minor companies is fool hardy

  • Inflation’s Wild Ride | Inflation has surged and moderated since the pandemic. As the presidential election approaches, politicians are focused on who is to blame. How did we get here?
  • Its better then more inflation, but like i said, we are still in the lurch, i guess if we ignore all previous inflation then the fact we are breaking even is great news, for those that manage 3% growth in their wages per year. Historically wages are stagnant, and inflation must always climb or the pyramid collapses. Granted i am not versed in economic theory, but i base success in what i can afford per hour worked

  • Kevin Feige announces "THE FANTASTIC FOUR" starts filming July 29 and confirms it takes place in the 1960s.
  • The unreleased one has an unironic charm in it. I’m not sure it would have been viable in theaters but i liked it. But all the movies that made it to theaters were just very blah

  • China calls on scientists of all nations to study lunar samples, but notes obstacle with the US
  • Still, as good as American scientists may be, i can trust scientists from a reputable proxy. I believe that the us has reasons to be cagey with China, and this really was just a pointless dig and a showing of frustration that may or may not be related to dark side moon rock composition.

  • Inflation’s Wild Ride | Inflation has surged and moderated since the pandemic. As the presidential election approaches, politicians are focused on who is to blame. How did we get here?
  • So just to clarify, we didn’t gain ground. All the shock of the inflation is still with us in ways that actually matters, like things are still crazy expensive, the only difference now is that things get more expensive… a little bit slower. But still vastly outpaces wage growth?

  • WraithGear WraithGear
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