To be America's enemy is dangerous, but to be its ally is fatal
To be America's enemy is dangerous, but to be its ally is fatal
To be America's enemy is dangerous, but to be its ally is fatal
3 years before they even allowed sale of 3rd party F-16s and a nonstop barrage about how effective the 90s era surplus we sold to Ukraine was gonna magically win the war.
I got banned from NCD for sharing this sentiment saying that there was literally no outcome where the US would allow Ukraine to join NATO, regardless of the acting government.
NCD is basically a NATO fanclub, so that checks out.
Funny wojak faces but to clear up an apparent misconception here, Ukrainian weren't fighting for abstract concepts like "freedom" and Democracy", they were fighting to stop Russian soldiers from killing their families, raping their children, and burning their homes to the ground.
I hope this helps!
Ukrainians were/are still fighting to defend themselves from an illegal invasion. But America sees and has always seen Ukraine as a proxy to weaken a geo-strategic rival. NATO was not realistically on the table as long as the conflict in the Donbas was ongoing (it would have immediately triggered art.5) to keep promising NATO instead of working on a more realistic path to peace has probably caused the death of 100000s of Ukrainians. And just as with many other imperial proxies in history, the proxy is left to deal with the fallout while the empire retreats to the metropol and prepares for the next conflict.
Really spot on except America isn't exactly retreating, it's just now under the leadership of an administration that would prefer to have Russia as an ally.
Instead of two imperialist powers fighting via proxy, they could just work together and strip smaller counties of their natural resources, side by side. Imperialism united.
I guess those values like Nazism and goals of cultural suppression of Russian-speaking people in the Donbas was all just to “protect their families”
I think you'll find they were fighting other Ukrainians (if you can call the carpet bombing of civilians "fighting") to maintain the US financed Poroshenko in power long before Russia went in, about eight years in fact.
With rare exception (Israel) America can seem downright schizo from administration to administration.
This was always Ukraine's fate.
The OG coup happened under the Obama admin, the far-right were forced into government under Trump pt I, Ukraine was forced to sell off state assets and take billions in loans by the Biden admin, and now the US is preparing to pick the bones clean over the next decades.
It's nice that yall are recognizing that the US isn't there to help the Ukrainian people now, but we're all gonna repeat this next war.
I stopped being Charlie Brown falling for the football 23 years go, when I saw that the consent manufacturing for the second Iraq war rested on no hard evidence.
Edit to add that the bone picking has been going on for two years already. Everything must go, including seaports.
Not even just changes in administration. The U.S. will often suddenly move on or just decide you will work better as a villain for internal politics. The US basically told Saddam Hussein that we wouldn't care if he invaded Kuwait only to then use that invasion as justification to make him a boogeyman for the next decade.
That's not what happen.
Who would’ve thought the government that installed a far right government in a coup wouldn’t have the best intentions?!
history truly is a flat circle
This image is almost 3 years old already lmao.
If any libs want to learn how tankies see the future you might want to read about the past for once. Pop history doesn't count.
How was Libya, a member of the non-aligned movement, a US ally? They literally were part of a group that took neither side in the Cold War.
OBL was never an ally. The US gave money to the Pakistani ISI who gave money to fixers who gave money to OBL. There was no direct channel. He was never an ally and it is a weird assertion to make given the history.
The other two were US allies. Noriega was even friendly with Bush 41. This is just bad history.
As far as OBL goes, the US armed and trained his faction against the soviets during the soviet-afghan war.
People are seriously acting like Bin Laden was bait and switched by the US. I somehow remember it differently...
...he was, though? We funded the Mujahideen to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan, and then when the USSR collapsed we cut him loose to get all chummy with the Saudi government so we could get that cheap oil.
US is fatal even for itself
US is in a state of slow implosion. Rest of the world needs to look at collaborating while excluding the US.
My guess is China will fill the void left by the disintegration of USAID in order to boost its global standing.
I strongly encourage all nations to begin violating US intellectual property rights. Nations like India already do so with pharmaceuticals.
Eventually other nations will need to take on the mantle of tech and pharmaceutical research and development and we don't want to live in a world where all this progress is lost.
Americans have chosen to nuke their own democracy and we need to minimize the damage done to the rest of the world as much as possible.
Our implosion isn't so slow these days.
My guess is China will fill the void left by the disintegration of USAID in order to boost its global standing.
China will take large chunks. But I think we will also see a decentralization as china won't be able to take it all. Countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Brazil and so on will probably increase their regional soft powers a lot.
This process also already started years ago, but will be catalyzed by this.
Going to start threatening to bomb Texas if it doesn't hand over its oil reserves, at this rate.
If it was simple mob extortion it would be reasonable. Zelensky originally agreed when he thought the deal would be to pay for American protection.
But Trump wants the money AND wants Ukraine to surrender. Trump is a stupid mob boss who doesn't understand why "Pay me and I'll let the rival gang burn your business." isn't going to be accepted.
It's confusing to him because he is a street level member of the rival gang.
Trump works for the rival gang though. He's just demanding the minerals so the dipshits will blame the USA instead of Russia. Putin gets what he wants to steal and he looks good in the eyes of the pro-authoritarian class traitors in this thread.
To me, we are back to the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, except this time it's Ukraine instead of Poland and the US replace Nazi Germany...
In my humble opinion, this is nothing like the Molotov-Ribbentrop. Molotov-Ribbentrop gets a lot of bad advertising due to cold war propaganda, but even western leaders in the west at the time like Churchill admitted that the Soviets had no other option (if you want evidence I have plenty of reference, feel free to ask :)
The Soviets spent the entire 30s warning of fascism and trying to build mutual defense agreements with France, England and Poland and they refused systematically, even when in 1939 the Soviets offered to send 1 million troops together with artillery, tanks and planes, to the Polish and French borders on exchange for a mutual defense agreement, but the French and English ambassadors received orders not to engage in actual negotiations and just to postpone the agreement, since they wanted the Nazis to invade the Soviet Union.
Either way even if you fundamentally disagree with what I'm saying, what was the alternative? Poland was going to get steamrolled by the Nazis with or without the soviets controlling the eastern part of it (as proven by the fact that soviets started invading some weeks after the Nazis). What's more desirable, half of Poland having concentration camps, or the entirety of Poland having concentration camps?
All of this could have been prevented in my opinion if western countries agreed to engage the Nazis together with the Soviet union, as the soviets suggested as an alternative to the Munich agreements. So the lesson in my view is: to fight fascism, listen to socialists (who are the ones who actually defeated most Nazis in the eastern front)
its like the memoradum, where ukraine wasnt invited and like the sudentlands with ww2 nazi germany, the countries in question wasnt allowed at the table. and in recent history , israel was unilaterally given without hte palestines in attendance.
The only thing worst than a strong enemy are weak allies.
You and I share the same opinions. I was also permabanned from reddit. "Health" to Trump!
In some weird way, snuggles and comedy-roasts seem to be the perfect punishment for Trump. Not the easy way out, but humiliation, which is the only thing he is afraid of.
thanks for the weapons USA!
Wh... What do you mean they were loans instead of gifts?
Hey, you'll be hearing from americas 🇺🇸 lawyers. This is copy right infringement. That is trade marked ip.
based man, I’m so sad about this.. hope EU+UA will forge an even more powerful alliance!
Almost as if a preventable policy shift happened.
you misspelled predictable there
That would be a compelling argument (unpredictable policy shift) if it hadn't been predicted by socialists all over the world when the war started
Has it? Ukraine is stuck with a loan because Biden did not give them the weapons but loaned them. If this was not the plan all along, why would they be loans?
Have they? As far as i am aware, the Lend-Lease act of 2022 hasnt been used once. The weapons weren't loaned, but the 4.4 Billion dollars for buying weapons were. Thats a fraction of the 176 billion the US spent in this war.
That 500B debt is number pulled of Trumps Ass.
And as if half those pictured were never allies. For pete's sake Libya was in the non aligned movement from 1964 on.
Current likelihood is that there's only a mineral deal if US pays Zelensky/Ukraine to fight more. Security guarantees don't actually cost anything until you have to do something, and its pretty likely that any weapons would be used to provoke aggression during ceasefire instead of protecting Ukraine's neutrality.
It's Europe that wants war more than US, and so it's far more likely they get the mineral deal to keep going to the last Ukrainian.
"Buyer to collect"?
Someone has to pay for the weapons. Duhh
Nemiroff 🇺🇦
If Dems didn't think it was debt then maybe they should have sent weapons gifts instead of weapons loans.
Gringos might fall for the good cop bad cop shit but the rest of the world has a working memory longer than last month and we know that Dems build the bulldozer and wail when Republicans wreck shit with it.
Isn't that exactly why Russia invaded to begin with, to steal minerals?
Russia is a huge country has plenty of minerals and a low population. Trading people for more minerals isn't exactly in Russia's interest.
If the war was purely economical it would have ended by now
If it was purely economical, it never would have started. The only things the last two years has accomplished has been to decimate the military readiness of Central Europe and inject fascist politics into the bloodstream of every country inundated with refugees.
Nobody is winning except the Hitlerites.
No, it was because they didn't want a bordering nation to join a hostile military alliance.
And oil
No, Russia stated that NATO membership for Ukraine was a red line, so their goal is to either prevent membership or demillitarize Ukraine entirely, and they have the means and will to continue until those objectives are met. That's really all it boils down to.
The Kremlin says whatever suits its needs at any given moment. Of course, they've called NATO membership for Ukraine a "red line"—just as they've claimed Ukraine is full of Nazis, that the U.S. started the war, and that up is down and red is blue.
Putin lies with every word he speaks. His statements are meaningless; his actions tell the real story. He is an imperialist obsessed with his own legacy, determined to be remembered as one of Russia’s greatest leaders. His ambitions are monstrous, and he will stop at nothing—no matter the cost in human lives—to achieve them.
This all starts when it becomes clear Ukraine has mineral rights that threaten Russia's ability to lean on Western Europe to the extent it does/did.
The NATO claims are just cover. Even if they were true Russia has zero right to determine Ukraine's future.
It's weird to see "leftists" endorse imperialism while attempting to claim any kind of morality.
One of the reasons, others include vengenance over Ukrainians throwing out his puppet from the government, insane conspiracy theories about Lenin creating the Ukrainian nation, etc.
Unlikely. There are and where good economic and political reasons for the war.
The blossoming democracy, freedom and wealth in Ukraine are dangerous to the stability of Russia. They show what could have been.
The annexation of crimes did bring ports to further Russia's imperial ambition. The agricultural land is of high quality and will secure Russia's role as a resource exporter after the phase out of fossils. You also need to keep in mind that siberia's agricultural output is severely at risk from climate change. Ukraine had impressive heavy industry. They took transit tolls for Russian gas which could be saved.