If you identify as both white and Latino, yes. If you identify as white and Hispanic but not Latino, then no. [In the U.S.]*, Latino is considered a race as well as ethnic identity.
I was born in Argentina (part of Latin America). My family is all from Spain. Am I considered a Latino? I mean, I’m from Latin America after all. What does being a “latino” implies? Because as someone from a Latinamerican country, I always thought myself as a “latino”. But apparently I’m a white hispanic?
There are all range of colors in Latin America. Same thing than in the USA, however, our white people are decendants of southern Europeans: Spain, Portugal and Italy mostly.
Probably not technically Latino, but almost certainly Hispanic
The official definition of Hispanic is something like "almost everyone who considers themselves Hispanic". It's weird, but being raised in Latin America, having a family member from there, or just growing up in a neighborhood with that culture could all qualify you
I looked this up because I thought Catholics traditionally leaned heavily democratic. According to wikipedia, that was the case into the 60s. The past few decades they've split fairly evenly between democrats and republicans, so I don't think that alone i's too much of a driving factor.
I'll never forget the news article about one woman who was married to an illegal immigrant, voted for Trump, and was shocked when her husband was deported.
Because Latinos don't vote in huge numbers. There is also this misconception that just because someone not white that they would automatically vote Democrat. Latinos (especially older ones) tend to be VERY traditional and VERY religious. Democrats typically do terrible with those groups. Even with all the shit that Republicans do, some 40% of Latinos swing red (on a national level and I am sure TX is similar).
The only people surprised by this are ones who get all their news from sites like this one or Reddit who have been repeated told the lie that the GOP is solely made up of old white men.
Usually, but they tried hard not to count them during the last census. We really should redo the census now that Covid is less of an issue and try to get an accurate count.
Countdown to a certain segment of white Americans saying they are the oppressed minority, need their guns to fend off the 'colored majority,' and need food stamps....
(I think this is already happening with some religious groups)
(I'm white - but I do not hold these beliefs!)
Same with us Black people, we're not a monolith either. I know many right-wing black people. 80% of us Black Americans self-identify as Christian for instance, so criticism of Christianity really doesn't sit well at all within black communities
Unfortunately they typically vote against their own interests and go republican. Of all the Mexican friends I've had I can only remember one not being conservative even though she comes from a conservative background.