Germany plans to allow 50g/month for adult consumers. Is that enough and why is it not?
I'm obviously joking in the title, but I'm serious with the question. Besides the fact that I as an adult should be able to consume as much as I want at any given time (I'm only hurting myself, if at all), I was wondering what you guys think about that amount.
Personally, I feel that for me it would be more than enough, but then again I don't see how they came to that number. What are your thoughts?
That's more than I've consumed since it became legal in Canada in 2018. If you go through 50g in a month I'd consider it heavy substance abuse and you should probably seek professional help.
I assume the threshold exists to prevent people from reselling.
Increasing tolerance is a thing. 50g isn't that much, if you make your own concentrates or host some get togethers at your house and smoke your friends out. I personally don't consume anywhere that much, but I don't think that we should patronize adults like that. There isn't a limit for buying alcohol or tobacco either. It only pushes heavy users towards the grey/black market in the end.
I'm well aware that increasing tolerance is an issue. Managing that is part of responsible consumption. And mature adults likely won't need this kind of hand-holding. But not everyone is.
And I'd argue that introducing limits to tobacco and alcohol consumption would do well for reducing their casualties.
Basically anyone regularly reaching those threshold should be incentivised to accept professional help, where they're helped to get a hold of their consumption.
I think the 50g/month limit only applies to purchases from cannabis social clubs.
Growing your own or "buying" from a friend would still be legal ways to get over the 50g limit.
I agree that there shouldn't be a limit though. Hopefully it will be increased in the future