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  • All other things considered, that car just looks laughably shit. Idiots and their money...

  • I have sympathy for those with older Tesla's, they were the most popular EV on the market, and Musk was mask on back then. Not cyber truck owners, though, he'd long since shown his true colors by the time it released.

  • I do feel bad, yeah.

    Having bad taste in vehicles and too much money to spend on stupid things doesn't really warrant destruction of property. Being mostly unaware of the political statements of a CEO (which, at the time of the Cybertruck's release or when people were ordering it he wasn't nearly as deep into this crap as he is now) isn't really a crime either...


  • I feel sorry for the people who bought a cybertruck ignorantly without knowing anything about Elon Musk. However, how would that be possible in this day and age?

  • sad ? NOPE! Look at the car to start with, its so ugly and pyramid! Why buy a car with a contract that does not allow you to sell it within a year? He/She knew it, yet he/she bought.