It's 2002 - you have eDonkey, Kazaa, and Limewire...and there's a girl you like who has never heard of Portishead
It's 2002 - you have eDonkey, Kazaa, and Limewire...and there's a girl you like who has never heard of Portishead
It's 2002 - you have eDonkey, Kazaa, and Limewire...and there's a girl you like who has never heard of Portishead
My wife and I have been friends for close to 30 years. Married for 5. When we we're moving in together we found 2 artifacts that make this hit home.
There is something to be said for the burned CD being my generations mixtape ala High Fidelity.
Awww! CD-Rs are temporary, love is forever.
Could not have said it better. Cheers mate.
I've also never heard of Portishead. Is that a band? It sounds like a band name.
Portishead is sex. It makes sex, out of thin air. If you're in a room with a potential partner and you put on Portishead, you will soon be having sex. If you play Portishead when you're alone in a room, a partner will appear to have sex with you. If you play Portishead in an empty room and come back in a half hour, there will be people in the room having sex.
Portishead is sex. Especially Dummy.
I remember making mix CDs. I still have some blank CDs somewhere, including probably a few of those Verbatim ones with the vinyl-like ridge pattern on the printed side.
What do young people do in place of mix CDs these days? Send each other a sequence of Spotify/Youtube links in real time?
.....sharing a playlist is surely the modern equivalent.
In French we call them virgin CDs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rip a melancholy CD