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‘A spectacle to horrify the world’: what the papers say about Trump and Vance’s meeting with Zelenskyy

I've still not seen the video, and I see no reason to. But it's worth noting that when the media unite around how shitty something is, it might be shitty.

  • OK, I've now seen the video. And what the actual fuck? "You don't have the cards" coming from a guy who bankrupts casinos is ... I mean, I don't have words. This was an utter disgrace and not any show of power. It was a dressing-down of someone trying to protect his country.

    This is a fucking embarrassment. This is a man of dim intellect trying to tell a foreign head of state why he should just cede authority to a larger power without considering that maybe Ukraine doesn't want to be part of a reconstituted Soviet Union.

  • Petty revenge from a petty little man. Zelenski came out in support for Biden before the election and now is paying for it after.

  • This seems to be an interesting take on the interaction:

    This was an AMBUSH at The White House

    The mere presence of Vance, the TASS reporter who got expelled at the last moment, the stupid question about not wearing a suit, the comments about discussing stuff "behind closed doors" instead of "in front of the cameras"... they all make the interpretation plausible. It gets compounded by the latest draft of the agreement being nothing like what Trump had been screaming about.

    IMHO, it looks like Trump wanted to reenact his interpretation of the negotiation process in front of the cameras to make himself look great, but Zelensky didn't want to take part in the charade.