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Mannheim live updates: One person dead after car drives into crowd in German city of Mannheim, police say

Interestingly worded title - did the car drive itself into the crowd? No, right? Then why would they word it like that?

Anyway, more evidence to support the fact that cars are far too efficient as weapons to be granted as much free rein as they are today. Bollards save lives, implement them liberally throughout any areas with pedestrians.

  • After driving into pedestrians, prosecutors says the suspect shot himself in the mouth but survived, and he is in a stable condition in hospital

    Und deshalb liebe Kinder schießt man sich nicht in den Mund. Hoffe der Mongo ist jetzt wenigstens vom Hals an gelähmt....

    Ich korrigiere, das Handelsblatt schreibt was von "mit einer Schreckschusspistole"... fuck wie dumm, Schläfe hätte auch damit klappen können...