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Boycotting FOSS projects in the wake of the "buy canadian/european" movement makes no sense

I've seen many threads suggesting products but they often don't mention FOSS projects, which should always be preferred to corporate software. With FOSS you are already boycotting capitalism, on either side. Free and Open Source ignores borders and shouldn't be categorized in nationalist terms, no matter where some of the maintainers happen to live.

  • Free software is the antithesis of capitalism. It doesn't make sense to boycott them.

  • I always like to say the fruits of FOSS labour are the common heritage of mankind. It belongs to all of us as a public good, created and maintained by selfless workers. (Nevermind the fact that most FOSS projects are based out of Europe anyways).

  • There are some pretty corporate "open core" software companies tho, that's a more grey area

    • Are they open or free? That's the point here.

      • It's hard to say. "Open core" means that most of the software is open source (licenses vary) but some features are locked behind a paywall. Gitlab takes this approach for example, also maybe onlyoffice.

  • I came into this thinking its more like "Oh no open sores is full of communists let me pay for worse software I never own" which is an argument that comes from the same camp as "this software I don't like is woke"