Which city builder has everyone been playing?
Which city builder has everyone been playing?
Which city builder has everyone been playing?
I'm still on sim city 4
Soviet Republic. An actually difficult and very complex game that is mostly about becoming independent from imports.
To do this you have to build factory complexes to produce your own building materials, and ship them with trains closer to your cities where your construction offices, stacked with vehicles you have to buy by hand, will then carry out construction. And by carry out I mean a truck will first physically transport construction equipment like bulldozers, excavators, cranes, etc to the construction site.
Recently got into Wandering Village. Such a neat and cute game, I love it.
Finally getting into Frostpunk, and it's turning out to be more challenging than I expected!
Frostpunk is awesome. Once he get the hang of it and know when to sacrifice what to avoid collapse, it's really not all that hard.
the way i play it by now, valheim
Lol. Question to an aficionado:
What is the appeal of valheim? It's so beloved by people, still played, slowly growing but I never managed to really get into it. Can't nail it down to a why though. What does it do so much better than others? Not hating on it, I just think I might've overseen something.
The only thing I continue to play Valheim for is the building system and the aesthetic. Because the actual combat and stuff is jank and the number of enemies that constantly spawn is frustrating (I swear to God, even with mods that make the no-spawn zone around your base bigger, the constant trash mob dwarves make it impossible to settle down and just build).
The building system is really fun, as it requires you to think about structural integrity while also having smaller bits to do really gnarly architectural designs that a lot of other block-based builders don't have.
for me it is the concept that building is necessary for survival. in so many games all you need as a base is just plopping down storage and crafting stations. in valheim, these crafting stations need to be in a building and the vuilding system with its structzral stability thing is just fantastic.
and bcs there are things u cant teleport (until you reach ashlands tier portals) it doesnt make sense to have one central base bcs you need to transport all unteleportable resources via ship, meaning you have to set up bases in most biomes individually.
and that causes you to build accordingly. in the meadows and the forest, where all you have access to is wood, you only build small huts, in the mountain and plains where you have access to vast amounts of stone, it is mighty halls of stone, in the mistlands you have extremely difficult terrain requiring you to build an interconnected mess of small buildings and the ashlands are a super hostile place, so you have to design ur bases there with defense from enemies and elements.
this combination of requiring to build to thrive and hhaving completely different circumstances to build is just why i love spending hours building there
Timberborn. Such a joy to play.
Manor Lords has been one of the most beautiful and innovative games I've ever played, and whenever I pop in to play it I end up spending half the time just zoomed a bit out, watching my little towns live and breathe. It's lovely.
Dwarf Fortress and the OG Cities Skylines are the only other games I play these days, and I think with those I'm set for life.
I'm in an abusive relationship with cities skyline 2. I hate it so much.
How is it at the moment? Still buggy? I haven't been following since the release
It lacks content and somehow has a worse ui than cs1.
The default assets are so unbelievably ugly and now that we have some region packs cities are starting to look nice. However the game feels very sluggish. Running the simulation is kind of expensive and the simulation is bad. I got a new CPU but its still not preforming how I'd like.
Eco, greatest multiplayer city building game ever. And it's still super buggy and unfinished
Not a city-builder in the classical sense, but you do have to manage a colonization program that includes city demand provision, waste management and inter-city logistics.
Plan B: Teraform.