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should locking and forced "merger" of communities be allowed?

The ! community on this instance thrived for a while and reached almost 19k subscribers very rapidly and it was very active.

Recently the Reddit mods of r/Android created another community with a few hundred members on another different instance where they are mods and that one was then astroturfed on c/android by a person seemingly unrelated to that community's mods.

Apparently some discussions then took place between owners of both communities and the mods of ! community then unilaterally closed the community, thus, according to their own sticky notice, succumbing to the flawed reasoning that the Reddit mods are "more experienced" and therefore the rightful representatives of an Android community.

I find this behavior sad and it just shouldn't be allowed here for two reasons:

  • this sets the precedent for more Reddit mods to just come and claim "ownership" of communities by bullying existing ones into closing;
  • does not respect the almost 19k subscribers who didn't even have a say in this, and especially those who had already expressed that they joined ! because they did NOT want to be moderated by the old Reddit mods.

! needs to be reopened now and the mods removed since they expressed that they no longer want to moderate a community on

  • I think that you guys could/should gather a bunch of users of the relevant comm, that are willing to become mods. And then request the comm to the admins of the relevant instance, explaining what's going on. Because there's no problem whatsoever with having multiple overlapping comms, on the contrary (competition is good).

    I do not think however that this sets any precedent for more Reddit mods to claim ownership of the local comms. They were only able to do it in this case because the current mods explicitly allowed them to do it.

    • Unless I'm mistaken, I believe even Reddit has/had a policy that allowed users to take over abandoned/locked/banned subs as long as the new owners took it in a productive direction.

      • Not only Reddit has it, but it has been using and abusing that policy, in order to shut up protesters, by pretending that they "don't want to mod".

        Even then, it's that sort of policy that any competent instance admin could/should have.

    • Those two mods forcibly closed the community and made it impossible to post on !, so we can't organize that there. Admins should immediately reopen it, kick the two mods out for closing the community, and then people could apply to moderate that community.

      • Okay, better course of action then: contact the admins in c/support and explain what's going on, from the users' PoV. In the meantime, try to gather a few potential new mods for the comm elsewhere, perhaps even in this thread.

        Three things can happen:

        • the admins say "okay, but who's going to mod it now?" Then you give them the names of the people willing to mod it.
        • the admins say "no" and give you some reasoning. Then the course of action depends on what they say, really.
        • the admins give you crickets, Reddit style. Then you're probably better off recreating the community in another instance.
      • I agree with this mindset. If they chose to leave they should delete or replace the community. it shouldn't be locked status, it's against what I've found the mindset of lemmy is.

  • I feel any communities/magazines that get abandoned (e.g. let's close this one down so we can funnel all the traffic to another place) should be deleted by admins and allowed to be claimed by someone else.

    I'm not a fan of domain squatting, so there needs to be I feel some admin input when it comes to contested magazines. In the gold rush that is the reddit Exodus, what's stopping people from people squatting on good names and then never posting content

    This whole situation feels messy and I'm not entirely sure what would make it better for everyone

  • Hot take: it's childish and self-centered of them. Basically: "Hey I know we got this great commy here, but we're locking it to force everything to this other commy. Cheers!" If they don't want to be mods here and want to spend their time over there, good for them. But this whole we-are-going-to-deny-you-this-commy-on-this-instance isn't kosher. Do they think it's their own personal kingdom?

  • I'm not sure if your read of the situation is correct.

    I think it's more that the mods involved do not want to fracture the community on purpose - even though this is explicitly allowed and encouraged by the structure of Lemmy and the Fediverse in general, it's not great when trying to get a community off the ground.

    If the mods on were strongarmed or pressured into doing this, that is wrong and I think the situation should be resolved as you say. If they weren't bullied but just talked it out and came to this conclusion, I think it's fine.

    • Well, one problem is that I can't access the new server from kbin, because for whatever reason they are not federated with kbin.

      • Then you should reach out to the mods both here and on that instance pointing this out.

        Did anyone even try asking the c/android mods on this instance about this, or was an inflammatory post immediately resorted to first?

    • "i think it's more that the mods involved do not want to fracture the Android community on purpose - "

      them splitting off into another community totally isn't going to fracture the community and cause others to make a bunch of other communities. That's a poor argument.

      • Strictly speaking it would be more fracturing to have two communities actively existing than to have a redirect.

        On reflection of the whole situation, I think it would be fine for the android community here to be taken over by someone else if someone really wants to. The thing I actually take issue with is OP's framing of the situation as inherently hostile. It reminds me of the parts of Reddit I'd rather be left behind, the instant escalation of every problem to an extreme no matter how slight.

  • This is bullshit. I am of the opinion that mods more or less own the sublemmy, but if they abandon it, either by just stopping to care or purposefully, then they should leave it to others to find and use it.

    Especially of it's something general purpose like the most bloody popular OS on Earth. Where else should we show off friendly competition, debate and cooperation than when it comes to a product of one of the biggest monopolies that exist today?

    And no offense to Reddit mods, but everyone here is starting from scratch and they need to prove themselves just as much as everybody else. Reddit mods don't have the best reputation as a group to begin with. This isn't Reddit 2.0.

    • That’s an interesting track. Why should the mods be allowed to close the sub? If this is trying to be a more democratic space then things shouldn’t happen in the shadows necessarily. Especially without 19k others that signed up to see content.

      I think the “magazine/sub” should be allowed to stand alone as if it were its own content reserve. Maybe Librarians are a good model to follow here. If we truly care about the democratic and federated let’s not allow people to Willy-nilly delete all the data.

  • I originally disliked this, but I was thinking about it and have changed my mind. Yea this isn't right. if you are closing a community it should be deleted to allow freedom for the next person to use the name. It wouldn't be enforceable at a federation level but, this 100% would be a good instance level rule. Don't take me wrong, I am not against temporary locks for issues internally or for staffing problems, but what was done here was essentially in the domain world what is called a "park" where the name is no longer available for anyone else, but is not being used. I don't think Parking should be allowed, it inhibits growth. This sets a precedent where it would be allowed to make ghost communities here that exist in other instances solely so the community can't exist here as well, it's very anti-user and in my opinion potentially anti-federation.

  • I saw the lock post and also found it surprising, but I think I have a (perhaps naively?) more charitable view of the situation.

    I've thought about starting a small engine discussion community; my husband and I have a local repair business, but we also make how-to videos and offer troubleshooting help on our website, and I know he would love having another group of enthusiasts and users to interact with! I also know I'm pretty tapped for time as it is and barely understand lemmy - I still have not figured out how to go reply to a response to one of my comments without going to the post and finding it, just can't seem to make it work from the inbox - and I am so totally not up for the task of running a community. A month or two ago, I had a lot more free time, and I might have jumped on in and then gotten way over my head as Lemmy picked up steam during the Reddit Exodus, and I probably would have been deeply relieved to be contacted by another community with more experienced moderators looking to merge.

    I have no idea what the experience level of the people running the local instance was, but I can totally see how the time commitment might have suddenly escalated past their expectations and made them feel like they needed help.

    Is it possible to transfer control of a community? Perhaps, if you and others on this instance are very opposed to merging the communities, it would be possible for them to transfer control of the community to others who can commit the time and effort to running it. I don't think the answer is making them to keep it here, though; they don't seem to want to run it, and it seems anathema to the ethos of the Fediverse to force anyone's labor for anything.

  • if you're interested we could just make a new community if the old one isn't going to be opened, I'd be down to mod it.

    • I prefer to not let Reddit mods set a precedent that they can extinguish community over which they don't have ownership through schemes like these. If you're interested (and anyone else!) in moderating c/android right now we can contact the admins to reopen that community. Parking community names and in particular here depriving the instance of the c/android name shouldn't be allowed.

    • Open smaller ones on a few different instances? Who cares if our KBin instance has 300 subs

      • I'm not entirely sold on the feasibility of having to find 30 different /c/, /m/, /r/ android instances all with 300 subs.

        Discoverability? How much overlap ends up happening? And the main issue from these stems from user responsiveness. If there's only 300 subs of viewers who want to ask questions who is answering them?

        How many help subreddits did we see just end up a ghost town of 1 to 2 users answering? And how many regular subs still get flooded with the same questions?

        I think there are some merits to it. I think it makes sense for regional instances to have their version of Android, be it for in language discussions or locales, but much beyond that I worry about the idea of multiple smaller instances. The few I've come across so far like this are just empty. Without one space for a community to be fostered those people will just find a different space. Which is fine, but again not exactly healthy for fostering a community.

        I'm curious to hear others thoughts though, I'm certainly not against the idea. I just worry about it becoming cumbersome, repetitive, and ultimately failing at growing.

  • I read the pinned post there ( and it said they were moving to a new instance for technical support, not because of some beef with anyone. They can do better with admins that can provide personal attention. is the biggest instance right now which means admins are stretched thin.

    Closing a community and opening a new one does result in fragmentation, but already I have subscriptions to communities across multiple instances that cover the same topic. It's just the way things are going to be here on the Fediverse. There's no rules about what communities can live on different instances. The solution is a feature that allows you to group your communities. That would make the issue rather moot since you could view communities with similar topics on the same page.

  • Seems to me the answer is that if you disagree with it you can start your own instance. I think the deciding factor is simply which one becomes popular. I’d imagine this would certainly give them the advantage but it wasn’t uncommon on reddit for communities to revolt and create their own subreddits to take back control from some power tripping mod.

    I do think that one of the unique challenges here is that instead of one subreddit that everyone goes to,you’re naturally going to get 2 3 or 10 instances of a popular topic like news or pics. That could be good to offer lots of different places to find similar content. Or it could be bad where the community becomes fractured and there’s less content getting generated in any one instance.

    I don’t know the answer but it does seem to be a unique challenge.

    • Seems to me the answer is that if you disagree with it you can start your own instance.

      We're talking about the forced closure by two mods of this instance's community which has almost 19k subscribers who were very active and weren't even asked their opinion on this. This shouldn't be allowed, the mods are free to leave but they cannot force a merger by closing this community and preventing anyone to post.

    • I think the deciding factor is simply which one becomes popular.

      This is the way. Competition in the marketplace is actually a good thing because it generates new ideas.

  • This is Good Actually.

    Ideally in the future we'll have functionality to migrate both accounts and communities between instances, and to merge communities. When one community merges into another:

    • All of their posts should get moved over (so that the "archive" doesn't get lost, as the android mod was concerned about).
    • Subscribers of the moving/absorbed community would be given a message prompting whether they want to be subscribed to the new combined community, or unsubscribe entirely.
    • The name of the moving/absorbed community would be freed up (possibly after some delay) to allow it to be reused for some other purpose. Maybe a message should be left up about the merger for discoverability purposes ("you may also be interested in x@y.z").

    For now though, this is fine.

  • As Moderator to !BestOf, this is my biggest fear. I've been working pretty extensively on this community in my spare time and I'm afraid that if the Moderators of r/BestOf decide to federate, we will lose. I'm not entirely nervous about fragmenting the community so much as just being r/LesserBestOf. By design, this community shouldn't really be fragmentated unless we decide to become BestOf something specific.

  • So… what do we do? Do we tell mods that they’re required to keep their community open for a certain period of time? Do we have them sign a legally binding contract? Do we fine them if they break said contract? Do we take donations to pay for the legal team we’ll require?

    Or, do we just accept the fact that sometimes people will make decisions that we don’t agree with?

    Yes, I’m being a smartass, but the question remains: how would we enforce this?

    • I can't help drawing some parallels here to Reddit's admins threatening and forcing subs into reopening. Is this the can of worms we want to open?

      • In my view it wasn't the admins forcing communities to reopen that was problematic per se, it was that the communities had no recourse in the event of a disagreement with the site admins - at least not without losing the entire community. Here the recourse is already playing out in one community being able to migrate to a different instance so I see no reason to take issue with admins taking control and reassigning a community, assuming that they give a grace period for people who need to discover and resub to the new community (ideally there should be an automated process for this).

        To put it another way, at reddit, admins forcing open subs and reassigning mod privileges is essentially taking the community and giving it to new management, against the will of the old management and existing community who has no easy way to move. What's happening here is that the people who manage the community decided to take advantage of the fact that moving communities to the control of a different server/admin is as simple as navigating to the new community and clicking subscribe, and they are letting the community decide whether they want to move with them before the possibility of community reassignment happens.

        I see no problem with this and I think freeing up the original community to new management after people are given a chance to decide whether they want to go to the new community or stay around for new management is fine.

    • this would be easy to enforce at least at the instance level, have a rule against it, if it happens anyway admin level can either nuke the community via the purge option or can reassign a new team for it.

      The argument here isn't forcing the mods to keep the community open, the argument is if they are closing it indefinitely they should be deleting the community or reassigning a new team on it.

      • Okay. The same question applies, though. How do we enforce these rules?

        How do we make them assign a new team? What if the people running the community don’t cooperate? Do the admins step in, take a page from reddit’s playbook, and reassign a new team that they’ve picked themselves?

        I’m not trivializing the situation. It sucks, and it’s not cool when people abandon the community they’ve created (and abandon all their subscribers in the process). Honestly, though, I’d rather deal with the closing of my favorite community than encourage unenforceable rules that will make the admins/mods look weak, and put them in an awkward position.

  • I think they should be able to close it, for, say, one or three month. When they close, they stop being moderators, and after this period (one or three month) the name is up for grabs by anyone.

    • This seems fair and akin to what Reddit did, the difference being I inherently put more trust in this instance's admins to handle the job than I ever put in Reddit.