Fuck this village
Fuck this village
Fuck this village
The manager was generous enough to let her carry her child while working, but not generous enough to pay her enough to get childcare, or provide it themselves?
It reminds me a bit of the story of a mother going in for a job interview, and shortly after, being arrested for child negligence/endangerment, because she'd left her child unattended (in the same area) while attending said interview. This situation feels like it's setting up for that kind of thing.
Capitalism Baby Capitalism. Nazi can have every luxury but a single mom food? How Dare you
iT rEaLlY dOes TaKE a ViLLagE
That village failed.
Watch her get fired over this.
Amidst all the outrage, I'd like to say I'm really in favour of having workplaces child friendly where possible. More time of letting the children spend time with mum or dad, rather than going to corporate childcare.
If any of you are planning an office layout today, make a playroom!
I'm of the opposite opinion. Maxing out spending time with mom and dad means less healthy social interactions and growth for your child. I want them to have a separation where they have a teacher, a class and friends, and not feel they can run to me or are distracted by me.
The children I've seen who were raised at home are miles behind our child in terms if development.
Bringing a child to work seems worse - they can't play with toys or engage in what they want at all anymore. They'd be subjected fk whatever the mom and dad have to do. They also have no friends or structured learning.
The daycares we've used have been fantastic and care a lot about teaching our child in many ways they wouldn't otherwise have.
Exactly this. Teachers can basically spot the kids who didn't go to pre-school or day care before kindergarten and spend most of their days with one of their parents. A good daycare will basically help give your kids a head start in their development.
Yeah but not busy restaurant with hot liquids and surfaces and people rushing around and angry customers yelling.
That’s not a village, the village would be someone watching the kid while mom works.
Honestly, the village is everything that was listed here. Including the workplace finding a way to be child friendly. Even a restaurant.
It is currently too hard to have kids, and you can see that less people are doing it because everyone is so insensitive to it.
Not to mention, this post might also cost her Job for breaking policy.
The village would be birth control, abortions and sterilizations being available to anyone who needs them so that 17 year old children aren’t having children in the first place
The village would provide for the mother while she stayed home raising her child.....
I'm happily child free but there's a lot of folks out there who don't understand why someone like me would choose not to have kids.
It's because it's a fucking huge responsibility that apparently falls completely to the mother. Fuck that.
her manager let her work <3 <3 <3
awwwwww what truly great person
Let's be realistic, her manager didn't have the authority to pay her if she couldn't make it in and she needed the money.
As fucked as it is, they may have actually been helping to the best of their ability. The 'manager' may make $1.50 more per hour.
Her manager let her work
Truly magnanimous
takes photo
That's not what "It takes a village" means 🙄
That may be true, but you gotta understand something, mate: this post was written by the village idiot.
Not even remotely the correct usage.
Not even remotely the correct village!
Orphan crushing machine.
I can't tell if this is a joke or if someone actually thought this was uplifting.
This is /c/aboringdystopia
No, this is Patrick
One time, one of my coworkers showed up to work with his kid, because the babysitter called in sick. My manager, without skipping a beat, told him to go home and be the best dad he possibly could, then, not only did she not use his sick time for this day, she made it a department policy to allow unlimited* "parent days". One of the best managers I've ever had.
' * Fine print was basically, don't abuse it, but use it when you need it.
Get fucked if you don't have kids I guess
My mom lost her business when I was really little, and once we settled down somewhere new, she started working as a receptionist for an environmental company. She used to have to bring me to work with her sometimes. Everyone in the office was super chill about it, but if Ed, the owner/complete asshole was there, I had to hide under her desk until he left.
We need a lot of changes, but honestly, a UBI with an extra stipend for parents is one of the big ones. people can't afford to have kids, can't afford to lose their jobs because of their kids. Who the fuck is gonna take care of assholes like Ed when they're old if no one is having kids?
Who the fuck is gonna take care of assholes like Ed
Please tell me the original poster was being sarcastic... Please...
Hahaha, no, dumbfucks all over think this is a feel good story because the job didn't fire her ass right away like they would have 15 years ago in the "you're lucky to have a job" era. Now they're so short on workers who actually want to work such bullshit-ass jobs that they're willing to "make exceptions."
Plus in a few years the girl can start working there too since child labor laws would be extinct and she already knows how to run the register.
Every single fucking day, my soul wilts just a little bit more...
Dipshits like this are always serious.
Good chance you will see it re posted to upliftingnews@lemmy.world
I would cross post it myself, but I am banned from there for cross posting things from here....
Fucked up
Orphan crushing machine!
damn and she's got the vest on, she's running food
Having lived in milwaukee, I saw this a lot at fast food places
I saw it in a st louis taco bell recently.
Why is a 17 year old having kids?
Life happens. A mistake of heaving sex too early doesn't mean that caring for a child and loving them is a mistake.
As somone who had kids and loves kids, it absolutely is a mistake. It doesn't mean she can't / won't love the kid, but we need better sex ed and contraceptive accessibility for everyone.
People like her still need our support, but we also need to make sure these kind of accidents happen as little as possible. Now her life will be multiple times harder than it should be and the child's life will also be multiple times harder than it should be.
Do you have any idea how intentionally bad sex ed is in places?
places = u.s.a for those that didn't know
Its a mystery - why would a hypercapitalist society increasingly dependent on manual labour destroy education, destroy workers rights, remove the ability to abort unwanted pregnancies and make prisoners legal slaves?