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  • Kagi solves this problem

    • As I was reading the article, I was thinking how glad I was that I switched - I am on the yearly plan now because I'm not going back to "free" search engines.

      • I'm on the yearly ultimate or whatever they called it. My wife is interested too, but they don't have an equivalent to the ultimate in the family package (yet), so she just sticks with bing.

  • When I first switched off gmail there started to be a ton of stories that talked about Google doing terrible things with gmail. Now that I've recently given up Google search I'm seeing stories like this.

    Either I have Spidey-sense for Google's skeletons getting exposed or it's that thing where you buy a car then see the same model everywhere. But in my case it's like I sold a car and now see the same model everywhere, on the side of the road with the engine on fire.

    • Google was always like this (ok maybe not in the beginning but for the last decade at the very least). For some reason now, more media sources started writing negative things about Google, so it seems they are worse now, but they are just as they always were.

      Before you had personal blogs saying the same thing but people don't take those as seriously.

      Maybe Microsoft started paying media sources to finally make a PR push to limit Googles enormous power. Microsoft wants to to the same thing though.