Yesterday I got called by my dentist, my cat’s vet, an apartment I had emailed inquiring for an interview. All within 5 minutes of each other! Talk about anxiety overload.
I used to be that friend, then I stopped.
Learned to put order in my thoughts before sharing them. If not out of self respect, at least out of respect for my friends.
I don't know why in 2023 we still can't debounce notifications. It should be simple to say if I get 3 messages in the same conversation in 120 seconds, silence the conversation for an hour.
To add to that: Configure your notifications. Anything that isn't urgent doesn't need to vibrate or make a sound. It can just sit there until you look at your phone. Also, use do not disturb for things like work.
I take chats for customer service. We're expected to help two people at the same time. This is me when two people who work from home lost internet at the same time so they're in crisis and as ending message after message and won't follow directions because they're desperately trying anything to get back online because they could get fired.
The cynic in me is like "this is karma for the previous 3 times you told your boss the internet was down when it wasn't."
Especially when they are about the same fucking thing. So you know they were texting each other about texting you and both decided they should text you about it right now