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Political Memes

All I can ever think when I see shit like this is, "they fucking flew those planes into the world trade center."

No. I'm not a truther. It's a play on the, "every accusation is a confession" narrative.

  • Remember when MAGAs were all obsessed over liberals being pedos, and they wanted to save the children from them. Well, that was a lie (shocker, I know). They were just projecting

  • I've always knew that Drag Queens are dangerous for children. Oh no wait, it's the usual white Republican and optionally pastor.

  • MAGA hats are how pedophiles identify each other and form social bonds with other pedophiles.

  • Another day, another reason to point out that ***Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers *** is now up to the 54th installment with 1,350 entries of people either in, voting for, or directly affiliated with the Republican party. Evidence for their Republicanness is presented with each entry. The list is comprised primarily of police, government officials, teachers, religious officials, and politicians.

    This guy, and many others of this ugly breed, will likely make the next list.

    It's useful to remember that his actions are not an anomaly---this is who they are.