Being creative is fun
Being creative is fun
Being creative is fun
I love how we couldn't even finish the third
Yes me too. There should also a 5th picture with no text.
There's was going to be, but they didn't finish it
Let's not forget starting a project and then forgetting to eat for 8 hours, sitting down for a break and suddenly half an hour's gone by and you've dropped a dozen obnoxious comments on Lemmy
Am not
This is a targeted comment 😬
I like how you didn't even finish the...oh look a butterfly
Or next stage: work drains you so much you don’t even have new ideas anymore.
Seriously, I'm so burnt out after work I never have the mental energy to work on any of my ideas. I create notes, plan things out, but when it comes down to putting it all together I just don't have the energy.
I play the lottery just in the hopes of winning enough to to invest and live off the dividends so I can spend my time focusing on finishing my projects.
I have trascended and I'm now in the next stage. I don't even think about doing thing anymore. I fucking took the L and now I just do my day job and go home. I'm still coming to terms with this.
I think that we do not need to focus on finishing our stuff but can just grow on all the projects we attempt. Sure finishing I guess is important in the society but you will do this with the strategic use of the stimulants on the projects that you think are still worthy after initial hyper fixation runs out. You gain a lot from the very attempts, even the smallest ones. Finishing or not.
You will have clearer judgment of these projects this way too because let's be honest not all impulsive hyper projects are that genius. Then you will pick the best ones, apply good amount of chemical stimulants of choice and power through.
At least that's how my flavor works
Also I have noticed that curbing the hyper fixation is very beneficial for certain things. If it still hasn't burnt out then it will come back with a fresh perspective and some sort of extract of the previous efforts will be ready in your memory to work with without all the bloat and mess of the initial thinking. As if your subconscious worked for you all the time and processed the ideas to something better.
The more I delay the actual work thinking and planning the more likely I am to succeed at it, when I bog myself in some prototype details it's basically over at least without stimulants.
In fact I think I should hire someone else to do wade through details while I keep an eye on the overall global picture. Some kind of autistic with special interest will fit that role perfectly.
So as you see there is this idea of ADHD-Autistic pairs where one side keeps an eye on the global picture (the forest) and autist focuses on the details and implementation (the trees). I think that perhaps it could prove much better than 2 neurotypicals.
I am actually looking now for a neurodivergent with special interests in: tensor fields, natural language processing, compilers, programming, automata, expressions and grammar. I need them to code a system involving these topics.
I hoard project plans and supplies to do them. I don't actually do the projects. It's a problem.
I am proud to report that I have ascended to the last stage. Just gotta start writing things down now.
Okay, just gotta find a pen (or pencil, marker, whatever floats your boat) - hey, that gives me an idea!
Uh... what was i doing again? :-P
Hi I'd like to report a personal attack please. Oof.
Me on my 6th playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3. Only one has reached act 3.
I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
100% relate to the final form. I have stacks of notebooks full of ideas, and a head full of thousands more than never get written down. I have the knowledge and the skill to make every single one a reality.
If I had just an iota of executive function, I would be set for life.
Sigh, so true.
This is my life at university as an animation student whelp