We are not all the same
We are not all the same
We are not all the same
I don't hate all Americans, I've met some really cool ones over the years. But I do hate its fake democracy, its vulgar, parasitic oligarchs, its deceitful propaganda networks and the lust for war and global domination that drenches all three.
American exceptionalism is basically a circle-jerk.
I'm an American,and I boycott US products because they're shit quality.
Before all this we used to say “Chinese quality, German price”
That's the most accurate description that I have ever heard.
You serious? I get great US made clothes.
there is problems with the buy european movement as outlines in other comments here, but as an American: please continue boycotting us, the chances of our government changing for the better are slim, but every bit of protest matters.
I Boycott American products because I'm 3 'once-in-a-lifetime' recessions deep and cannot afford them
I don't want to see you flying your colonial-ass flag Canada, I want to see you supporting small, local, and indigenous owned businesses. Be pro-people, don't be pro-country.
Hey hey these two things aren't mutually exclusive!
True and acceptable, however I don't feel patriotic.
I don't either in the typical "my country is the best" way, more like "my country is democratic and that's why it's good (also use your influence to make democracy more commonplace pls)".
I don’t get it
Pro-Euro vs anti-US. The "buy European" movement is generally occupied by a mixture of genuine anti-US protestors, as well as various European nationalists. Kinda like how cottagecore got captured by the far-right, the lack of a cohesive line is leading to some groups pushing Euro-flavored fascism as an alternative to US-flavored fascism, as far right parties increasingly gain ground in the EU.
You can't generalize so much, the reasons are much broader. It is mainly that it is not desirable that a single country controls the largest part of the internet, and until now that the EU depends almost entirely to applications and services of the US, which, especially in the current situation and the policy of Trump, this dependency and subordination will have dire consequences. Is to promote the technology of european, to convert the EU as a sovereign state at the height of the eye with the current giants technologicas that account for all the market, many times abusive. Monopolies are never desirable, because they tend to be destructive..
You boycot american products because you think you are american.
I don't because America is a continent not a single country.
This. I’ve gotten some pushback on it, but I believe the US shouldn’t own the term “American”. I say that as a US American.
They don't "own" anything. In multiple languages another correct way to name them is the equivalent of Unitedstadian, this is true for French and Spanish.
So... USian?
Hi, nice to meet you. Where are you from? America. Oh, like Mexico or Chile?
It's always fun to see their faces :)
As an American..
send help :(
I boycott american products because they simply are not worth their price
That's a pretty Liberal take from someone using a "Lemmygrad" account.
I don't see how it's liberal, Marxists don't take a vow of poverty or reject the laws of economics. US-made products generally are higher priced compared to equivalent performance due to Imperialism inflating costs of production in the Global North.
a liberal take would be to consume something only based by its place of origin
Anti-imperialism would make more sense. The US is not the only asshole... (Edit: Just the current worst one.)
When it comes to contemporary imperialist assholery the US is #1 by far. Since after WW2 they've been nothing but shitting on humanity, between the CIA installing puppet dictators to wars (open and secret) killing tens of millions. The list of countries they have fucked with is too long to post here.
And now their former closest allies are annexation targets.
The USSR was a shitty little bitch during her heyday, too. Worse than the US? I'm not sure. Eastern Europe and South America probably have a major difference of opinion there.
In the last few decades I feel like Russia may have the US beat?
Certainly not, but currentky very high in the ranking.
You think we're the worst country on the planet at the present moment in 2025? Interesting.
Edit: oh, ml
The US empire currently maintains an imperialist network of over 800 military bases in 70 countries. (For comparison, all other countries combined have only 30 bases)
Yes. The vast extent of the negatives of maintaining a brutal Empire and the dedication towards thoroughly punishing anyone going against that system makes the US Empire the worst country on the planet.
I boycott products because I'm a freaking cheapskate.
Does this mean Europeans will also boycott goods that they steal from the 17 countries they still have colonized?
No? Oh.
Ah, good ole whataboutism.
It’s not whataboutism when my entire ideology is anti-nationalism. You don’t get it, do you? I want all of the Western imperialist nations to collapse, including the European ones.
Your rhetoric is weak and outdated, still viewing the world through borders. You think Musk gives a fuck about borders? Grow up.
3 of these 17 territories are colonies of the USA (American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands).
When it comes to Europe the extortion of former colonies might be the bigger problem (the Franc Zone or the ongoing exploitation of African ressources).
Right. But, I’m an American who strives to boycott goods produced by slave labor and/or colonization by my own government because I believe class solidarity transcends borders.
The BuyEuropean movement is largely nationalistic and uninterested in class solidarity. Don’t get me wrong, I think the entire world should be boycotting American goods. Let the empire collapse, please.
But, boycotting American goods while still exploiting the Global South for centuries is not a flex.
The post only says they're "Anti-American". It never said they were anti-American for any of the good reasons.
Not all are easy to boycott
US products > GitHub, Steam (Valve), Dropbox, Oracle, nVidia, Intel, IBM, eBay, Amazon, UPS, FedEx, Pepsi, CocaCola, Microsoft, Google, Pfitzer, Nike......., Which of these support Trump and needs to be avoided because of this? Not even FOSS is a Guarantee. Gimp, GNU Project, Mozilla.org, TOR, even a lot of Linux distros are from the US
Full list of US companies https://fortune.com/ranking/fortune500/?global500_y_n=true
apart from foss content in which you can simply pick the source code and compile on your machine, or fork or reverse engineer them, in some cases you can either p!rate it outright (hello, ms and riaa!) or have already well established alternatives in your country (sodas, online commerce platform).
either way, you're not taking down the u.s. by claiming ethical consumption. there's no such thing under capitalism. the best thing you can do is organize and take down the system that enables big companies that own us.
Yes, FOSS can be forked and gut the code, if you know how to do it. With big apps with millons of lines it is not so easy, less for an normal user, apart to the subsequent maintenance and updates.
A lot of these are easy to boycott
Yes, there are a lot of good alternatives out there, but the question is in which products it make sense to boycott. Those from big companies definitively, those from small startups and particular and independent devs or communities, questionable, probably not. Do you want to boycott Gimp? It's from a californian organisation, for sur it don't make sense to boycott.
You forgot AMD there. Intel alone would be super easy to avoid. But AMD is also based in the US. You kinda need either AMD or Intel if you want to own a useful computer. Or there's Apple Silicon, but that's still American. Qualcomm laptop offerings are not that great yet and guess what, it's also an American company.
This is all a lot harder to boycott than Coca Cola, Nike, etc. I can just buy local soft drinks and Adidas shoes. In fact I currently own Adidas shoes (I'm the kinda guy who buys one pair of shoes, wears the everloving fuck out of them, then buys another pair and the old pair gets used in the garage afterwards) and my clothes already come from European owned brands (that are probably made in Bangladesh or something, I don't buy a lot of expensive clothes). UPS and FedEx aren't hard to avoid either. Most of my shit gets delivered via Omniva, DHL or Itella.
The x86-64 CPU monopoly that the US has might honestly be the hardest American thing to avoid. The cloud monopoly is even bigger and we all tend to interact with it in one way or another, but most of us could host our own shit on Hetzner or OVH if needed, so at least no need to directly give them money.
The CPU monopoly can change, until now there are only Russian and Chinese alternatives to nVidia and AMD, but also the EU is on the march with Rhea. We'll see.
But yes, currently there are no real alternatives yet, ....well https://techtelegraph.co.uk/open-source-alternative-to-x86-and-arm-could-take-off-in-2025/
lidl cola is best
Buy alternatives for whatever is easy to avoid. Buy what is unavoidable.
Boycut companies with too much market power. They just happen to be quite concentrated in the US.
Seems like something I'd come across in r/2westerneurope4you
I was feeling more "American that hates their government" vibes
I’ve noticed a significant drop in people using the phrase “America bad” as a mocking jibe, since it no longer really works as a hyperbolic statement.
It was always bad, but for many years its energy resources were unmatched, so no country could keep up.
Today the gap is not so big anymore.
"Fuck America" is more common these days.
It's too easy to reply "it is" at this point for sure.
Test great success!
why not both?
Soooo, when will all this anti-US consumerist movement result in those Levis 501 jeans I've been eyeing dropping in price?
I'm hoping for the perfect intersection of price drop and waistline drop.
Never because Levi's still wants to make money.
Still, I'm hoping for a supply glut and they have to sell at a discount to move their inventory.
Sir and/or Ma'am I have done nothing to you to warrent this level of hatred. Other than make fun of your outs and abouts and sorries. And the Maple Leafs. Go Bruins.
Fuck the Maple Leafs alright
Yes. I will keep driving my old BMW as long as I need to.
Whatever works for you.
I boycot them because of both!
I'm, despite being European, pro-American. It's just that what America has become disappoints me much like it disappoints most Americans. I'm not pro this America.
The government has always been responsible for some shady shit, but for a long time there, the US stood for diversity, not against it. Yes it took a long time for certain types of people to receive equal rights, but that was unfortunately the same pretty much everywhere else too. Big American metropolitan cities are huge melting pots of culture though. Go walk around NYC, it's awesome once you get far enough from Wall Street. I do hope I can one day still go to San Francisco as well, but despite being a white cishet male, I don't intend to visit the US unless the current admin is replaced with a sane one.
That’s a lot of copium. The US has never really been a diverse place where everyone is equal, it just has very good marketing, brand recognition, and fairy open borders so people tend to move there. Plus with the world speaking so much English it’s fairly accessible.
A lot of the times that you see non-WASP culture in the US it’s just stuff that a tourist might enjoy like cheap food, music, and art, or landscapes that are actively being destroyed by weak governments. So yea, maybe the people who are there and struggling can put on a good show but that doesn’t make it a good place.
The first black person to go to public school is still alive and she’s not even that old. Being gay is still dangerous outside of cities(and even within them sometimes!). There are two different rule sets for white and coloured people that are clear to see. The rich are never punished for their crimes and that’s even when the Democrats, the best they can offer, have all the power to do something about it. They aggressively export regressive ideals to other countries, too.
It’s always sucked.
Do name a more diverse or equal place though. I know in my country you get stared down hard if you dare be too dark skinned. Same goes for many European AND Asian countries (imagine being a black tourist in Japan lmao, they can barely stand white folks).
Many of the older people in my country still think anyone from Africa (which by the way includes Afghanistan) is a monkey. By older I mean 50+ not even like 80 or 90.
The UK and France are definitely more tolerant and diverse, but they also imported black people as slaves way back when, so it's not like they're all that much better either.
Plus in much of Europe we still can't stand gypsies. It's literally the same thing as with black people in the US historically.
The Arab countries literally import slaves from South-East Asia and Africans can't even stand other Africans based on cultural differences.
I don't know, maybe South America? Uruguay nowadays is a pretty good place for everyone I hear. I wouldn't want to be in South America in the 1900s but half of all that was US-caused anyway.
US stood for diversity, not against it.
It is easy to criticize the one country that has the most different nationalities in it for its history with racism. However, can you name another country that has as large a share of minorities and does NOT have a history of racism?
Right off the bat all of Europe is already disqualified. The west dabbled in its' own colonialism and the east under Soviet rule got so racist, the n-word is the standard way to refer to black people among people over 40. Remember that Yandex source code leak where the master-slave relationship (already a racist terminology) had "n***er" instead of slave? In many Asian countries, black people are also seen as subhuman. Scandinavia pretends to be super tolerant, but it's superficial. Eastern Europeans are seen as lower class.
People don't see that the entire world is racist as fuck. It's so easy to blame a single country and act like it's the only source of racism in the world. It might just be the most open about it, but there's still quiet discrimination everywhere.
The US where and is always neo-liberal capitalism in its maximum expression, currently more than ever. Feudalism disguised as democratic
The US had a 94% income tax rate for the richest at one point. It has not always been what it is now. The country has been looted of both its' economic strength as well as its' moral values.
Anti-American is fucking weird.
How about get to the root that most of us here have in common? Even half of the Americans agree with the below principles.
Anti-consumerism for the sake of consuming. Anti-greed. Anti harming others for your own selfish gains. Anti-billionaires. Anti-waste and harming the planet.
Let me break down for you why I'm anti-American. History and the absolute disregard for life the US promotes, as illustrated by the grim list below:
1. Direct Military Deaths (Combat & Bombing):
2. Indirect Deaths (Famine, Disease, Conflict Disruption):
Estimated Indirect Deaths attributable to US actions: 500,000 - 2,000,000+ (This is a very broad range due to the difficulty in isolating US influence).
3. Colonial Era (Philippines, etc.):
Overall Estimated Range of Deaths Attributable to US Foreign Interventions Since 1945:
Combining all categories (direct military, indirect, and colonial era), a reasonable estimate falls within the range of 2.5 million to over 8 million deaths. It is crucial to understand that this is an estimate based on available data and methodologies, and the true number could be higher or lower. The wide range reflects the inherent uncertainties in these calculations.
Regarding CIA-Installed Dictatorships:
While a precise count is difficult, historians generally identify at least 10-20 countries where US involvement (including covert operations by the CIA) played a significant role in installing or supporting authoritarian regimes since 1945. Examples include:
This list is not exhaustive, and the degree of US influence in each case varies.
Incredible comment!
I'll also mention that the number of people affected by these interventions and wars are much higher then the death toll.
Laos was the most bombed country on Earth and both Vietnam and Laos, to this day, still teach kids how to identify bombs on the ground since a lot of them did not detonate and still cause harm and death.
In Vietnam, the US used Agent Orange, a chemical weapon that sticks to your skin, which to this day still causes birth defects.
North Korea was bombed to oblivion. US bombing campaign was so brutal, soldiers reported not having anywhere else left to bomb. I recommend this video to know more about the Korean War. (Just use youtube auto translate subtitles)
Also in US-backed dictatorships, the number of deaths might not be as big as in their direct interventions, but the sheer number of affected people, those being detained and tortured is absurd. Not to speak of the torture methods these dictatorships implemented in these countries, the torture people endured here in Brazil is gut wrenching.
I think that means you do not like American government and foreign policy.
Not the American people.
I think that's the line that becomes vague when you say "anti-American".
Americans in history have been trying to fight the evil machine and have been assassinated or villianized.
I'll also say that other countries are not without blame. There is no reason why other countries should have trusted another country to protect them.
Every country should have invested a healthy amount into their armies and never let one country get so powerful.
Or exploit their populace for pennies. (INDIA/MEXICO COUGH)
Imperialism is the devil on this planet but were all responsible for not fighting back against the machine or uniting the world working class.
We have the technology now with things like the fediverse. The doors are open for now for open communication and coordination.
All of the issues you list as the real problem are currently magnified by the US Empire. Without the US Empire, progress on these fronts would be far easier.