No longer the worst cantrip, especially for weaponcasters.
No longer the worst cantrip, especially for weaponcasters.
No longer the worst cantrip, especially for weaponcasters.
Explanation so I don’t have to look it up please
True strike givs bonus to attack based on spellcasting stat
Not really, it replaces the attack stat with the spellcasting stat, kind of like shillelagh but only for a single attack, and then stacks some radiant damage on it at higher levels (+1d6 from level 5 then cantrip leveling). It can also replace the damage type with radiant. Useful for any weapon-using caster class that doesn't get multiattack:
How I'd improve it further:
Thank you
Are these new playtest updates for the next version?
It's a good cantrip now, but it's not True Strike anymore. It doesn't make you more likely to hit or anything, it just changes the ability score for the attack. It also adds radiant damage for some reason
It's basically a mix between Shillelagh and Green Flame Blade. Both good cantrips, and a good combination that's not broken, but not True Strike
I remember the times when a core rule about cantrips was that they cannot deal any damage.
I think it should just crib notes from PF2e; make it a bonus action, and also a 1st level spell. Though, they should also rewrite the confusing 'no slotted bonus action spell with non-bonus action slotted spell' bandaid too.
Great choice for Arcane Tricksters. Near mandatory I'd say.
Dunno. Arcane Tricksters tend to have a higher DEX modifier than INT (and then pick spells that don't care about the spellcasting modifier), so they are better off with Booming Blade (if stealth is already off the table) or Green Flame Blade unless they run into something that is resistant or immune to nonmagical damage at levels 3-4 and don't have magic weapons. Might work well with a maxed INT Arcane Trickster / Bladesinger build though.