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AITA for getting my dad a grave stone for his birthday?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/W1lly_W4ker on 2023-07-27 12:13:45+00:00.

My parents divorced when I was young and lived with my mum permanently whilst dad was away on deployments. Being 1 of 4 children on my mums side, we constantly bullied each other but became stronger because of it.

Later, it was soon to be dad's 50th birthday and I wanted to get him something that I thought was funny. I (17m at the time), was and still dad's only son but dad always disliked my humour because I remind him of my mum. I went into poundland and saw the cheap grave stone (looking back at it now... it was fucked up but that's in the past), I asked mum if she thought it was alright but even though mum hated dad... she said "don't get him that, you'll regret it"... and so I bought it.

It came to his birthday, he opened his presents from all his loved ones and finally came to opening mine... fair to say he was very unimpressed.