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Kroger introducing AI at self checkout to lower both accidental and organized crime theft. /retailers/kroger-has-an-intrusive-plan-to-stop-theft-walmart-and-target-might-follow

Kroger introducing AI at self checkout to lower both accidental and organized crime theft.::undefined

A Boring Dystopia

First they replaced human cashiers with kiosks, now AI cameras to "fight shrink" may incorrectly flag honest customers as shoplifters

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  • The article seems to repeat the same stuff over and over again.

    On Lemmy, a popular social networking site, user KerfuffleV2 astutely noted that the article repeated points that had already been stated in the article.

    "It seems like the article repeated the same content multiple times" said KerfuffleV2, a user on the social networking site Lemmy. "Perhaps they get paid by the word." the user added.

    A rather uncreative article on triggered some snarky online comments including one from a user named KerfuffleV2. This user noted that the article repeated the same content multiple times.

  • "Consumers don't like self checkout"‽ Are they crazy? I love self checkout! You know what I don't like? When I have to wait for a self checkout to become available because there's not enough human checkouts.

    My local Walmart has about 25% of their checkouts as self checkouts. They'll have 4 lanes open with humans and 1/3rd of the self checkouts won't be operational. This is the worst of all possible options!

    If you only plan to have 4 human checkouts why do you have so few self checkouts‽ Arg! It frustrates the crap out of me every time I go there.

    Another thing that pisses me off is that the human checkout lanes are designed so inefficiently. In the self checkout I can pick up the scanner and scan everything in my cart at about twice or three times the speed of a human checkout because the human lane has a horrible setup that necessitates taking everything out of the cart to get it scanned whereas with the self checkout one can scan everything while it's still in the cart.

    You can scan scan scan at super speed, grab a bunch of bags, then put everything in the bags as needed in your car afterwards. You can be done in seconds!

    Or be even more efficient like me and just keep your own bags in the car and skip the whole, "grab some bags" step.

    This way also makes the door receipt checker person's job so much faster because they can visibly see everything in your cart; no need to peek into every bag looking for expensive items that may not have been purchased.

    Let's move forward, society! Give us 100% self checkout lanes and just have people there to assist with scanning and bagging for the people that need help.

  • So has theft increased in these stores? Or is this just another way to squeeze money out of every possible way?

    And before anyone comes at me about theft being wrong these companies still make record profits despite all this theft.

  • Will there ever come a day when the words "organized crime" do NOT immediately make people think, "Kroger"?

  • Yea. The AI got pissed where I was at because I had bought lunch and placed my utensils that come with it in the bag withput scanning them. They simply are provided with the hot food counter food for free.