Or me this morning... "Did, I take my meds this morning? My water was on the counter right next to where my meds are, no I definitely didn't take my meds... right? No, i totally didn't, but what if I did? [Proceeds to count out pills in bottle.] For the record... I did take it.
Yeah, just posted another comment, but I have my bottle flipping trick. If it's upright before the afternoon, I didn't take it. I take it, and flip the bottle upside down. Then if I see the bottle upside down after noon, I flip it upright.
I still have days where I need to try to mentally piece together, "Did I drink water? How thirsty was I? Was I really thirsty, and just drank to hydrate and NOT take my pill or did I drink to take the pill and forgot to flip it? Did I take it and just forget to eat? How much have I been singing on repeat this morning?"