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What do you all think of Mental Outlaw

Personally, I find his Linux and privacy-related endeavors commendable, but I widely disregard of his political stances.

  • I think he's a good source of knowledge, but definitely has his biases. I especially think it's funny when he laments corpo bullshit, but then defends their right to do the bullshit. As with most libertarians, he gets close to the point and then nose dives off the bad takes cliff.

    As with most things, learn what you can, lionize no one.

  • Anything with pepe the frog or anime in the thumbnails or anybody that says "based" is not worth it in my opinion.

    • Well he's kinda ironic about that

      • Yeah, nah, I don't think that's true my dude. I've heard his opinions on the gay agenda, 5g, trans people, and 'cultural marxism' being taught in our schools. I think it's just as serious as the place he gets alot of his views, the image boards we all know. It's the same irony you see on 4chan

  • I agree, come of as an american libertarian, but at least he's not on the weirder side of the political ideology with age of consent (from my limited knowledge of him)

  • He tends to just read a few articles and that's boring to me. I like how schizo anti government he is.

    I'm curious what political stances you disagree with because he only seems to talk about online privacy and guns.

  • The next Terry Davis. Starting with the open source chicken farm of course.