This isn't a meme.
It's text over a picture. It's certainly an element of culture passed between people.
this isn't a meme (slang)
I remember when someone adamantly tried to tell me that a copy-pasta wasn’t a meme….
And you’d be memeing if you tried to pull that shit on me all “ironic” like.
Hate to break it to you, but a meme, by definition, is political propaganda.
Yes, all those images you've been laughing at these years were part of a political project. They looove hiding in plain sight.
Ah yes the widespread political message that was "me and the boys out at 3am looking for beans"
How could we possibly have missed those political overtones.
Dude you must be on some extremely powerful drugs if you think all memes are political propaganda.
Can you explain?
tHiS iSn'T a mEmE
I'm glad you agree
Do you have a high res version of this not-meme?
The bottom picture isn't accurate, I live on a reservation that isn't listed.
If there's one mistake I notice immediately there's definitely more.
Additionally, most of Oklahoma is still various reservation lands. That was a recent court ruling, so I suspect this is a few years old.
There's a ton missing. The point still stands, but the bottom map is more like "places that are 70%+" indigenous people, rather than a comprehensive list. Is mislabeled to make a point, which is a stupid thing to do.
My favorite part is not being able to read the font whatsoever.
Pretty sure this is saved from an attachment from a forwarded email of a scan of a photo copy of a mimeograph.
That's ok, this map of native American lands is definitely outdated. The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) lands are much smaller than it should be. As that's the only tribal name I can actually read, I imagine it's a similar story for the other tribes.
So... Average history?
China/Russia/Europe are largely inhabited by people whose ancestry traces back 1000s of years to the same region. That’s very different from North America, where most natives where killed (either through disease or “policy”).
That’s not to excuse their past behaviour (Europeans started the genocide in North America), but it’s still very different.
How's the genocide of a whole continent "average history"? The magnitude of destruction in the Americas is not common and this downplay of a continent-wide genocide is annoying.
Because you’re lumping in the unavoidable disease transfer of first contact with intentional conquest and violence. Take away that, which was going to happen whenever any Afro-Eurasian community first interacted with people from the americas, and you get a very comparable situation to many things throughout history.
So... Average history?
Never forget? In some states it's downright illegal to teach kids that complex, sophisticated and civilized societies existed here before white people showed up.
I've been reading 1491 by Charles C Mann and telling my 14yo a lot of what I've been learning, it's a fascinating book. We live in the rural southern Appalachians and I know for damn sure those teachers aren't including nuance with their history.
But you and I did NOT. I see a lot of people online who can't make the distinction.
EDIT: Thanks for replies, all. Some good conversation here
Of course I’m gonna assume good faith from you here, but I feel like some people boil down issues like this to “well I mean I didn’t do it so stop complaining”, and that’s wildly reductive and irresponsible at minimum.
Arguing the situation in this way sidesteps the uncomfortable and inconvenient reality that the United States is yet still occupying native land, whether it be Hawai’i, Alaska, or the contiguous territories. Yes it’s entirely possible that mine or your ancestors didn’t perpetuate these things as immigration is and has always been ongoing, but the point everyone misses is that we are still here.
I couldn’t possibly imagine belittling natives for acknowledging the fact that their land was taken from them by force. Some real colonialist shit.
I feel you, and also acknowledge it is a hairy subject on a grand scale.
I also try to frame the issue in the actual, real moment. I try my damndest to do as little harm as humanly possible to anyone. Should I be forced to give money to someone affected? Land? Should I be punished?
Who benefits? A grandson of someone displaced? A great great grandson? Whole family trees? How do you make shit like this right after so much time?
Mostly, I'm trying to encourage thought and discussion. Fundamentally, I think people should be judged on their own merits and actions, not their lineage.
Fair point, but not really a meme.
This is probably the third meme in two days where the top comment says it's not a meme.
Because they are not a meme
The genocide is still ongoing, they just don't tell you about it. In Canada cops will flat out murder or disappear them right off the streets.
I don't doubt this at all, but any resources on this?
Here's what I know of.
I'm curious too
That's too bad, couldn't find one in jpeg?
Canada too
Are there any good resources to learn more about the vast tribes the North American continent was home to? I've always felt ignorant to the rich history and connection with the Earth that the tribes held and passed down.
Not sure about the accuracy of the top map, but it looks like that format could be a great educational opportunity.
On a lighthearted note, if you're from the bay, give Café Ohlone a visit! I had the pleasure of meeting the two head chefs at an event where they cooked for the audience. They showed how candy cap mushrooms, acorn flour, and a duck egg could be incorporated into a brownie mix. I can't speak for the actual restaurant, but it was delicious what they made :)
Unfortunately, not really for the majority of tribes. What we so know is that by the time Europeans had made real efforts to expand westward in North America, The Great Dying had already killed 75-90% of the native population.
Basically, North America had already endured around 200 years of civilization and population collapse starting in 1450. So even what the tribes know about themselves has to be viewed in the perspective of a people who had just lost 90% of their population in a few generations.
Check out the book, 'An Indigenous People's History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.'
It's claims are backed up w/ extensive citations.
The Canary Effect is an amazing documentary about the genocide of Indigenous peoples in North America. It is free on YT. It was where I first learned how brutal the reality was and how devastating to the population. It also shows how it meets the UN definition of genocide. Amazing how we are raised in the US and this is not only ignored in history class, but is instead framed as Indigenous people living happily in Spanish missions and having Thanksgiving with pilgrims.
If you get a chance to read about John Trudell, he had a fascinating life. He was the spokesman for the American Indian Movement when they occupied Alcatraz in protest of the US breaking their land treaty. The government did not stop terrorizing him and his family after that. There's also an amazing documentary about him but it's been a long time since I've seen it. I think it may just be called "John Trudell."
Both of these will make you walk away angry though.
When it comes to extant tribes, many of them have web pages with info about them. The depth of information varies from tribe to tribe, I think typically encapsulating whatever the tribe feels comfortable sharing publicly. However when it comes to extinct tribes, much of what you'll find will probably be spotty and questionable, as what is known is likely the result of archeology and accounts from nearby tribes.
It's really frustrating how difficult it is to learn about the native cultures as someone on the outside. It gets glossed over in school and what you hear in pop culture is often heavily skewed or butchered to put on a good show for the audience. Then, because of how much of it gets butchered, chopped and screwed, the people who actually know the real stories become understandably protective and reluctant to share them. It'd be nice if there was a central, wikipedia-like site run by the tribes where you could learn about their stories and traditions.
Meanwhile the UK 1707-1914:
For those interested, native-land.ca is a collective project to map the ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples.
Very cool, thanks! Link for those too lazy to type.
Highly recommend reading the Red Deal, which is written by Indigenous socialists on what they think decolonisation should entail.
Also keep in mind that every Indigenous community has different views on colonialism and the land and sovereignty issue. Some really just want to be left alone on their historical territory, others actively want to work with non-Indigenous people living on and around their ancestral land, and everything in between with tons of nuance. There is no singular "Indigenous attitide" on this though there does tend to be similar schools of thought. The most important thing in decolonization is to listen to all of them and respect their wishes.
This isn't a meme and should be removed but yes agreed this is like common north america histly knowledge
No, the genocide is still ongoing, it didn't happen it is still happening.
For fucks sake... 1st off, whether or not this qualifies as a "meme", it doesn't fit the accepted norm of what most people expect to see when they click on "memes"
Secondly, and this may sting a little, but peace as we know it is a relatively new thing in world history. I've seen a multitude of other comments here proclaiming all those other genocides were okay because they were thousands of years ago. It's that "in my lifetime" mentality that just fucking grinds my gears. Through thousands of years of history, one genocide is cherry picked and held up as the worst ever, and the citizens who"benefitted" from it are supposed to pick up the tab? My ancestors weren't Spanish or English, and my family has been here for about 130 years having come from Germany in 1890. How much of the tab am I supposed to pick up?
Fact of the matter is, the only constant in human history is war. We're in a (relatively) peaceful era now, and that's taking into account Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, and probably another 20 or 30 wars I'm not up to speed on because I'm American and our media doesn't seem to actually inform us on world events from countries we don't buy shit from.
Human history is not really a constant war, but that is how Americans have been taught history: as a sequence of wars.
What's relatively new are the concept of mass conscription, economic warfare, and total war. The ability to enact war and destruction on a global and constant level is new. The brief cessations in conflict aren't peace, you're right, but it is also a newer concept that we are constantly in a forever war.
While I mostly agree, I never said constant war, but where I will disagree in a sense is, the prospect of total annihilation would have been a factor millennia ago had the technology been there. Pick your era, the Romans, the various Chinese dynasties, the English, etc... if they had the means, they would have likely used it, having zero regard for the impact it would have later, mostly due to a poor understanding of the technology. I do believe, at least between "the big three", meaning the US, Russia and China, nuclear war is an extremely potent deterrent to all out war. It's the "kids who want to be in the club" that worry me, everyone from NK to Israel. It sucks, but the atomic cat is out of the bag in a world we're all forced to live in, and the polarization of politics and other bullshit only work to drive that wedge deeper and push us closer to... bad shit.
I've seen a multitude of other comments here proclaiming all those other genocides were okay because they were thousands of years ago.
Where did anyone say it was okay because it was longer ago? Please point me to it, because I read the entire thread and did not see this once.
The genocide of native new worlders is historically unprecedented and that is fact. I highly doubt that genocides on the same scale, magnitude and horror are commonplace throughout history. I would urge you to support your claim with evidence or examples if you are going to repeat it, otherwise it is entirely baseless.
How much of the tab am I supposed to pick up?
However much it takes to bring up the status of the natives to what it would have been had they not been massacred and expelled, and undo the propping up of Western civilization on their backs. If you'd like more specific examples, I'd be glad to give them to you. Just ask.
We're in a (relatively) peaceful era now
Source? That's a pretty big claim.
As I'm too stupid and it's to early for me to do these inline...
Your 1st point, here's one, had to scroll about 1/8 down the page for. Granted it doesn't explicitly say it was "okay", the point stands:
"China/Russia/Europe are largely inhabited by people whose ancestry traces back 1000s of years to the same region. That’s very different from North America, where most natives where killed (either through disease or “policy”).
That’s not to excuse their past behaviour (Europeans started the genocide in North America), but it’s still very different."
As you also wanted to be pointed to a source for genocides on the same or larger scale throughout history, allow me to search Wikipedia for you:
As to point 3, who exactly determines who is responsible and who will benefit from this paln to raise up America's indigenous population to their proper station? Are 1st generation immigrants from Ghana going to be required to pay up? How about Natives who's ancestry dates back to a tribe that exterminated another tribe? Surely that should also qualify as genocide?
And as to point 4, we, in the west, as I did point out I was American, are in a (relatively) peaceful time, which implies that throughout history it has not been, but I guess I need to spell it out for some people.
At the end of the day, you're not looking to be enlightened or to learn anything, your post was directed to completely discount my points, or to "troll" I will admit I was getting heated reading some of the off the wall bullshit I was seeing, but superlatives aside, I stand by everything I've posted. I apologize if you TRULY didn't know about other genocides, or if your worldview has jaded you to the point where you don't initially see posts that clearly illustrate what I said, at least in the abstract, and you took the time to go back and reread them and allow it to sink in.
Feel free to pick apart this post, too. Nothing is more entertaining in a meme thread than for 2 idiots, myself included, to argue about genocide.🙂
Here is an interactive map that shows current ongoing conflicts around the world.
olny the Navajo didn't get fucked over
So the same as literally every other country in existence yeah?
Nah, not even close. Educate yourself on the history of other countries before you try calling them out.
The whole "oh everyone is doing it" take is fascist as fuck as well. I hear it all the time from neoliberal monsters.
Yeah uhh... Not at all, actually.
Not really, actually.
That's usually just an empire thing.
Technically the Bri'ins (living in Bri'in) are indigenous.
"Oi Bruv, i'm indigginus."
Actually not America but the UK
How many centuries, please tell me.
Hint: less than one.
And in many cases, is present reality and not past History at all.
Let's do a slavery.
Your comment is equal measures funny and absurd to be honest. Please do explain how looking back on events, decisions made, etc to better frame modern happenings is so ridiculous.
Yeah sorry but conquest was the standard at the time.
If more than one entity massacred people, it means massacre is okay? Very strange logic. Do bad things have to be done by only one entity to be considered bad?
Interesting, and you just happen to stumble upon and share with us this crucially important and unknown trivia gem of a fact, right?
Is this a bad time for you?
Is it a good time for you?
Welcome to the Internet. Do you know how it works?