If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer
If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer
If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer
Wow, this one touched some nerves.
I’d recommend posting a tangentially political meme at some point on Lemmy.
The amount of people who will come out of the woodwork to tell you ‘don’t post this’ and ‘don’t make things political’ will really be eye opening.
People don’t want to address systemic issues and think not talking about them is a viable solution.
Everyone time something controversial is posted, damn I missed out on all the discussion because Blahaj.zone defederated all these capitalist losers so I can just think about being trans and cracking jokes.
Honestly if this meme passes for controversial then the world has gotten a whole lot more lame.
Omg you are so right 😮💨
I wouldn't call it controversial outside of fediverse. It's dumb tankie takes. In any other sampled population with significant size their opinions would be considered extreme and buried.
And let me be clear, I like socialist programs. But these people are truthers for the left.
These capitalist and billionaire cocksuckers sure love socialism when they socialise their losses and fucking take our tax payer money to bail themselves out. if you're working class and don't support socialism, you should look into it more. Propaganda from these blood sucking billionaire ghouls have made most of us blind to the better life socialism can offer us.
That isnt socialism, thats the capitalist state doing its job of protecting capital. Socialism is when the proletariat own the means of production.
You think you are arguing with the people accepting handouts on lemmy?
I mean... I'm a capitalist who doesn't defend billionaires and also doesn't feel left out... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you though?
Do you own the means of production and employ people to operate it, paying them a fraction of the value their labor produces?
Are you able to live comfortably without working for the foreseeable future? Do you exert outsized control over municipal, regional and state government far beyond your “vote” if you live in a place that claims to be a democracy? Does that control come from your power over the means of production that you control?
Supporting a society controlled by the people described above does not make you a capitalist, being one of the people described above does.
Are you able to live comfortably without working for the foreseeable future?
I'm pretty sure that's just a strawman version of capitalism. Plenty of capitalists who had their life's work taken during a communist revolution and were at best told they could come back as a manager worked plenty hard. Didn't save them.
Oxford English Dictionary defines a capitalism as :
Right? There are pros and cons with every system. People disagree based on value judgements not based on misinterpretation of facts. People in their echo chambers will have you believe that everyone on the other side of the political spectrum all thinks the same way “the same people who say X also say Y!” Rarely is that the case. Most people are actually centrists who have their own independent beliefs on a wide range of topics.
Not everyone on my side of the political Spectrum thinks the same way. But if you are pro capitalist. You simply aren't thinking. Capital, markets, and currency. All existed before capitalism. The only thing capitalism did was justify the wealth and power of the wealthy and Powerful Beyond being simply born to wealthy powerful people. Now you get to be a wealthy powerful person by having capital. Which ironically just so happens to be most common among people born too powerful people. New boss same as the old boss. Funny how that works.
Capitalism is what allows billionaires to exist. If you are pro-capitalism, you are pro-billionaires. They are the real capitalists because the are the ones with real capital (and capital = power).
Even if you support better worker pay, trans rights, healthcare or what have you, you are just asking big money for it, not actually taking it. They are the ones deciding in the end.
If you support capitalism, then yes, you defend billionaires.
You're a capitalist? How much capital do you own?
I am just happy to be dancing for once.
And with a partner who is undoubtedly attracted to you no less!
Look at you go.
So everybody on Lemmy is non-capitalist is what you're saying?
A large proportion of Lemmy are not pro-capitalist, yes.
Thats still very much generalizing. What this meme essentially says is that if you're a capitalist, you're not part of Lemmy.
On a seperate note, you cant possibly know how many people on Lemmy actually support capitalism or not. It has a left tendency, yes, but I bet the majority of Lemmx users do support caputalidm in some shape or form.
Does anyone here own capital? As in being haut bourgeoisie? Probably not.
If you support capitalism and you're not a capitalist you're just a bootlicker.
How do you define "capital"? I own a paid-off vehicle. That's my biggest single asset. Am I therefore evil? It's parked in the garage of this home I rent. Used car market right now means it's worth a bit more than it would be otherwise.
Oh, and I'm also a shareholder in my employer. Gasp!
All this talk is highly dangerous us-vs-them, black-and-white divisive crap that isn't going to go anywhere productive. Stop it. Grow up.
Fake. There are no women here.
I have moobs and long hair, just keep dancing bro.
Real. There are a few women here
Yes there are. Stop being weird. (Am woman)
Never mind that not a single one of them pipes up when some lazy fascist bullshit gets posted here.
Only when it's left of like 1990s Biden then they all lose their fuckin minds.
holy shit can we see an actual meme on this instance?
Non-stop circle jerking
Has to be breaking a rule by this point
I think what you are looking for is called Shitposting
. 😅
oh, no!
its politics on the marxist-leninist instance's meme community!
Where funny?
The delusional thought process is fantastic.
You have, maybe 2k users here, defederate a new insurance a day, and users are constantly finding lack of content; but yeah it's the normal user who is quite in the corner 🤣
mmm salty
Mince you into fertilizer 😂 Reminds me of Soylent Green and Oddworld
Capitalists need workers to oppress. Without them, they would have nothing to give them a feeling of superiority. Mincing people into fertilizer would surely be a fun pastime for the rich, but it's hardly a sustainable hobby
Capitalists don't care about sustainability.
They would if those workers were trying to unionize.
Free Market Capitalism would bring back slavery if we let them.
Free Market Capitalism
You have a rather one dimensional moustache twirling view of the world. Let me guess, communism is the one stop solves all problems in the world solution without any negative side effects?
You do understand that that is not how the world works, or for that matter, how anything works?
Seriously, your comment is plain nonsense. Yes, captialism has a shitload of issues. Yes, there are rich and abusive people out there. Yes, communism is responsible for countless millions of deaths and tortured...
Instead of making up weird fantasies, how about to try to come up with an idea that would actually make things better?
Communism as Marx described, has to do more with the complete automatization of the means of production, and the subsequently change of the structure of society, as a result of post scarcity.
Remember that just past Mars humanity has a near infinite repository of resources, it's only on this earth that we are subjected to the rat race, when we have the wealth of the universe so close.
You may think that I'm dreaming, but if we let capital unchecked, it will destroy us, and destroy earth. We have nothing to lose but our chains.
Thinking about how to make the world better starts with fantasizing, and moves on to theorizing and debating ideas. Calling the many decades of socialist and communist thought just fantasies goes beyond all reason. At this point you're just ragebaiting. This is not how you talk to people.
For the anti-capitalists, I have a genuine question (sorry, I couldn't find an "ask a commie" community):
In the capitalist system there is a movement called Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) where people commit to living frugally in an effort to maximize savings and investments. The goal is to achieve a balance that allows you live off a safe withdrawal rate (around 3.5-4%) and then leave the workforce at an earlier than normal age. Some people commit to a life of minimalism and lean-FIRE with under $20k in investment income per year. I believe there is significant overlap with the van-life crowd and other nomadic lifestyles.
Is this lifestyle compatible with, or is there a similar lifestyle within a communist system? To expand, can those with a different set of priorities trade away their later working days in exchange for less material things?
I can only answer as capitalist. FIRE relies on accumulated interest. For workers it should be the same if 10 billionaires or 100,000 FIRE investors own their companies.
UBI should be fairer.
Both scenarios are the same. Work 20 years hard and then stop working.
The FIRE owner have an interest in low wages for the workers whereas in UBI, more income for workers could mean more to be shared.
What? There are plenty of communist Lemmy subs you can ask in. I just think you haven't tried hard enough.
To answer your question tho, no - because there would be no need. Communism does want mandatory participation, but if checked and balanced correctly everyone would work within their limits and not be relegated to a lower class of living - because that's sort of the point of communism. You'd work within your means until there was time to retire without being limited in access to services and goods. Theoretically, under a functioning communist system, there would be no manufactured scarcity.
Tbh I believe both communism and our current form of capitalism centralises power and ownership way too much. Social-capitalism, or even libertarian socialism, might be the ticket. It would undo at least 200 years of psy-ops and gamed laws designed to favour the rich and vesting power in them, which is the issue of centralised power that we're facing today - in what some call "late-stage capitalism" - or what I call the breaking point of society under a predatory, exploitative and imperialistic form of capitalism that seems more like the privatisation of the aristocracy than the supposed liberalisation of economy. Transparency, accountability and consequences for people in power and wealth is what's sorely needed.
PS: New public management is a con-job disguised as decentralisation meant to encumber governments under the guise of checking and balancing them, being effectively a psy-op in of itself to make people hate public services and taxes. As per usual, goddamn liberals - and I include socially conservative liberals in that polifical grouping. Dems and pubs are the same, want the same institutions and promote US imperialism - not fiscal independence, no matter what justification and mental gymnastics they put in the form of spreadsheets.
PPS: Also, additionally, commodification of the housing market was a mistake. It will always be stupid and harmful towards society.
It's the other way round. The fear of being left out makes the lemmies dance off a cliff.
(I know, the movie was fake.)
The capitalist sees that the lemmies keep dancing without wondering why the music is playing.
The capitalists are on a yatch somewhere not even aware of the squabbling poors. Dunno about music and dancing, but I just see you here defending them.
Let's call the capitalists on the yachts billionaires.
I am defending the capitalistic view that markets are key to wealth distribution. Socialists and communists agree. That's why they want to replace them.
My point is that there needs to be competition on all markets. There must be enough housing that rent becomes cheap.
For that to happen, lemmies have to vote for politicians who change zoning laws to allow cheap housing.
Instead I see lemmies having fun with revolutions, new technologies and debates about the inclusion of anarchists. Those are all beautiful dancing partners but they won't reduce rent because there won't be a revolution.
Get that mfer, kick his ass!
I don't recall giving a party hat to capitalists.
That's ok, they bought their own! 😄
Wealth redistribution is good. Socialism definitely could end up being better than capitalism with the right implementation and regulations. A socialist revolution is a bad idea; wealth redistribution can be implemented in capitalism. Lobbying is real, but voting still makes a difference. Vote in more than just the presidential election and canvas for issues or politicians you support. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
A socialist revolution is a bad idea; wealth redistribution can be implemented in capitalism.
That's what capitalists want you to think.
very enlightening i never thought of it that way
All the generally established capitalist wiggleroom like minimum wages, paid holiday, affordable health care, education instead of manual labour for children etc were established by massive strikes and (threats of) violent masses.
wealth redistribution can be implemented in capitalism.
we have been trying everywhere for decades, and inequality is only getting worse. it really can't.
voting is doing almost nothing if you really examine the policies put by most politicians, even most of the ones claiming to be progressive.
thats because we can only go so far within capitalism, and changing the players of the game will not do much while the game itself has glaring flaws.
progress isnt a continous upward climb in the short term. In the 90s crime shot up and no gay marriage soooo. We can definitely go farther with capitalism like with higher taxes on the rich, minimum base income, etc. Voting does matter, if you dont vote you have no leverage over those who speak for you.
Capitalism is a good library, it's the devs that implement it wrongly 😭
Capitalism can never work, because it's self defeating. The point of capitalism is to maximize immediate profits, nothing else - as a result, it will gladly destroy its own means of growth if as a result instant profits increase.
You are in this meme.
Someone creating a specific community doesn't add rules to existing general communities. You should start an apolitical memes community!
mincing me into fertilizer instead of making me sell their crap at 5k% markup gets them more money how?
The operating word is “would”. If it served their needs, they would. Not that they’re going to right now, obviously.
People think capitalists care about nothing except their net value but that's an unfair stereotype.
What's the use of having all the money if you can't make other people suffer? How else will the poors know you're better than them?
They'll mince you once you're too old, broken, or inconvenient.
Which they caused by working you to that point for peanuts.
This way, they have a product to sell. The next tool to come along is hired as the salesman (no salary, 100% commission).
Because if you were spreading dangerous ideas like Unions and livable pay, they would stand to lose a lot more than whatever profit you were generating.
Tell me how you don't know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism without telling me how you don't know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism.
They're the same picture.
To expand...one of the biggest goals of a capitalist is increasing profit. What better way to do this than to take over and manipulate the government of whatever state you're operating in to cut you special breaks? It's the pinnacle of capitalist achievement.
You create laws to regulate it...the capitalists will manipulate them and control your government anyways.
You loosen regulations to "promote competition" or whatever excuse they use, and then there's nothing stopping them from fucking you even harder. Capitalism and the state are always intertwined, one feeds off the other. Even the Soviet Union was sometimes said to be "state capitalist", where basically the entire country was under control of one "corporation".
this a good explanation.
capitalist apologists love to invent new terms like “corporatism” and “crony capitalism” that basically just mean “every problem with capitalism”. they then say “capitalism isn’t the problem, the problem is crony capitalism” which makes about as much sense as saying “capitalism isn’t the problem, the problem is all of capitalism’s problems”.
One person has a limit to the complexity that they can control. You need the masses and a working state to control other billionaires. Only then will you be able reach new levels of complex production processes that allow to do new things.
Of course, for some it is fulfilling to just be at the top.
Tell us you love the taste of boot on your tongue without telling us you love the taste of boot on your tongue..
Sorry, but I don't love the taste of the boot of the monopoly of violence (the State) and it's robbery (taxation), mass murder (war) and slavery (conscription).
Bureaucracy, corruption, FIAT money, intellectual property, common goods, the welfare state... The idea of an oligarchy of politicians controlling and regulating the economy and our private lifes in the name of "democracy" and "the common good" is actually helping those billionaries we BOTH hate so much.
Social democracy is practically the same thing as corporatocracy, but with a little of populism. On the other hand, "any step toward socialism is a step toward economic irrationality".