Akira Toriyama’s coming back for a new Dragon Ball series
Akira Toriyama’s coming back for a new Dragon Ball series

The new Dragon Ball series marks the return of kid Goku (and friends).

Akira Toriyama’s coming back for a new Dragon Ball series
The new Dragon Ball series marks the return of kid Goku (and friends).
So GT Electric Boogaloo?
I remembering loving GT. I loved the pan storyline, and the ssj4 design is sick. Super has never hit as hard as GT did, but thats probably just me
GT was superior I dunno why people don't see that.
The GT ending hit hard and should be canon.
I couldnt follow super. Dropped it when Goku could beat a guy that could literally stop time by just going faster??
I’ve been watching dragon ball z since I was a kid. I never watched all of dragon ball, but I read the manga.
Dragon ball super was pretty good, too.
I may have missed a movie here or there, but I’m happy to see more dragon ball content.
Same. I still have on a hard drive old 320x240 mpg and avi clips from Japanese VHS's of DBZ/DBGT from back when we'd have to fucking import them in order to watch them, downloaded from KaZaA/Morpheus/Limewire back in the late 90's.
As long as Toriyama is involved in it, I'm down for more Dragon Ball until I die.
Edit: Fuck it, proof lmao
Wasn’t GT an attempt to do a “kid” version and it basically went over like a lead balloon? What do they think will be different with the formula this time and why do they think people want to see kid fights?
Gt did not involve Toriyama, and the presence of kid goku is not why it's bad
Also, Dragonball. It literally started with kids fighting? Son Goku, the child Saiyan? Grandpa Gohan? Remember?
Yea, but the context is different. Dragon ball is the journey of children into young adulthood. Daima is literally what GT did. I get it though. It's meant to look cute and fun and keep a decades old series alive. Super involved Toriyama and that was not good. Entertaining and better than GT, but not good.
The creator being involved means nothing in terms of quality. Just look at George Lucas and the Prequels.
I never watched past episode 1 of GT. Pure trash.
Muppet Babies Z
I'll wait for abridged.
Cat loves food, yeah yeah yeah yeah
Oh great, another shonen where we get 3 episodes of screaming and bickering before we get to a 5-episode fight
I think Super had a decent pacing and not that typical stalling from the old ones.
Uh maybe in 2000s. Update your references grandpa
This made me laugh. It’s been like 30 years since Dragon Ball was like that.