The paths not taken rule
The paths not taken rule
The paths not taken rule
What a strange wya of fear mongering.
I the end, you can only have one life path. Choosing to do something always implies choosing to not do other things.
So it's an illusion to think that all those green paths are possible. Only one of them is possible.
Determinism be like: You are safely traveling along THE ONLY WAY.
That kinda makes worrying about anything sound really dumb, doesn't it?
But you'll worry anyway, as your anxiety is a product of your biochemistry, which is governed by deterministic processes.
It makes absolutely no difference if you think about it. It's not like choices are made for you even if the universe is determindric. If the world is or isn't deterministic it's not like anything would meaningfully be different - things would still be unpredictable to us. In an indeterministic universe randomness would play a part in outcomes, but that's worthless to us. This meme is about choices anyways, randomness or determinism doesn't matter in the end.
Ah, nice! Almost didn't have my existential crisis today, thanks for the reminder.
Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again
Taking ALL of the paths was never really an option though. Celebrate all the new paths that opened because of the one you chose instead of dwelling on the ones you didn't.
remain ignorant
Good for you that you didn't take that lower path cut short.
Who's to say any of those other paths would have been any better or worse than your current path?
I understand, but don't care
This is the real answer
That just makes me think of Everything Everywhere All At Once. I recommend watching it to anyone who feels they wasted their past options. Or if you like kick-ass martial arts shit, haha
I've accepted my past mistakes and, for the most part, don't get get bothered by them anymore. However, what does bother me is really not having an identity and passion to know where I want to take my life. It feels like I'm just living day to day until I eventually become dust.
Man i was going to close the physics lecture and sleep and now i dont think i can sleep anymore
Be me
Good relationship with gf
Toxic ex who i am madly in love with suddenly pops back into my life
Cool. So can you offer me a job? I’ll do anything as long as I can afford to take care of my family.
You can't change what has already happened. Learn from it, analyze it, but don't dwell on it for too long.
There is always a tomorrow. The feelings of today don't have to influence the feelings of tomorrow, next week, or next month.
Cypher: Ignorance is bliss
I've accepted my lot in life. It'll take a lot for me to change my thoughts. I am what I am and though I wish it would it's not gonna change.
Maybe start meditating. I know this is like, stupid random advice thrown at you from who knows where on the Internet, but it is definitely a journey worth starting.
Looks like one of those chaos curves mathematicians analyse.
What the fuck is that
Imagine some sort of a polynomial function f(x) = r * x * (1-x)
that is also depending on some constant r
in range 0 < r < 1
You apply x = f(x)
for many times, at your wish. Think of it as a for-loop, or f(f(f(...f(f(x))...))). The resulting value will reside (converge) to some value.
So, this looped function sets to some stable point with any r
in range until x < 3
. After that, it doesn't converge but it will constantly jump between one of 2 points, then 4, 8, ... and at some point it goes wacky-macky.
The graph from Wikipedia merely shows the probability of the value f(f(f(...f(f(x))...)))
for all r
in the given range.
If you're curious, Veritasium's made a good explanation here:
Was that Schopenhauer or Kierkegaard?
Close, it's a cat.