"Just Minutes"- Inside Edition Tests How Long It Takes For An E-Bike To Be Stolen In NYC
"Just Minutes"- Inside Edition Tests How Long It Takes For An E-Bike To Be Stolen In NYC
"Just Minutes"- Inside Edition Tests How Long It Takes For An E-Bike To Be Stolen In NYC
…This is the lock picking lawyer, and today we have….
That’s not what entrapment means.
Pretty sure even if they did what would have met the legal definition of entrapment, it still wouldn't be considered entrapment because it has to be the state doing it, not a magazine.
Even cops plant bait bikes all the time, with trackers, and arrest whoever steals them. Still not entrapment. A few minutes of research could have cleared this up.
To be fair, entrapment is one of the most widely misunderstood legal things. I point this out because it’s useful to know what the law actually is. Also: ACAB
I wish they had done another test with a decent lock.
5 cutting wheels later...