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Daily Discussion - 16 October 2023

Use this thread for general daily football discussion.

This thread can also be used to discuss Transfer rumours and to post Tier 4 sources.

  • Are we team of late goals now?

  • caught a bit of a bug from my suitemates, but it's midterm season so mask up and class time... at least it isn't covid

    • I think everyone is getting something, remember it's actually cold season and flu is ramping up. If you guys haven't gotten your flu shots yet, now is the time.

      • Yeah, I've got an appointment to get both my Covid booster (which feels a bit overdue) and flu shot at the same time, unfortunately it's not available yet lol

  • The crap that went on in Belgium is truly terrifying. Extremists can all burn in the depths of hell no matter where on the spectrum.

    I was confused why the game didn't resume and then saw the Swedes refused to play the second half. The game should've been canceled in the first place and Swedish and Belgian fans should have a shelter in place order.

    • Apparently it happened only a few minutes before the game, maybe they didn't know / think it could be stopped in time?

      • I think they want them to play so the Swedish fans won't leave for their safety. But no, all of them were in there already so they should've made an announcement and said please stay in here for your safety until they can have the resources to evacuate.

  • Gabby George apparently got an ACL injury. We realllly need to figure out what the fuck is going on with women's physio care.

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