If elected president, economist Javier Milei has pledged to eliminate government spending on research and shut down the environment and health ministries.
If elected president, economist Javier Milei has pledged to eliminate government spending on research and shut down the environment and health ministries.
To tame the crisis, Milei has proposed not only privatizing science, but also closing the environment and health ministries, and abolishing the current public-health and education systems. The anti-establishment politician has even floated the idea of allowing people to sell their own organs for profit. On environmental issues, he is equally provocative, calling climate change “a socialist hoax”, and saying that a company should be able to pollute a river as it see fit. “From his perspective, any regulatory intervention by the state represents an attack against market freedom and, therefore, against individual freedom,” says Maristella Svampa, a sociologist at the CONICET-funded Center for Documentation and Research of Left-Wing Culture in Buenos Aires.
"Simpletons! Yes, yes! I'm a simpleton! Are you a simpleton? We'll build a town and we'll name it Simple Town, because by then all the smart bastards that caused all this, they'll be dead! Simpletons! Let's go! This ought to show 'em! Anybody here not a simpleton? Get the bastard, if there is!"