look twice
look twice
look twice
Hello police. Yes im traveling behind a vehicle that is labled as carrying a pathogen and it obviously does not look like it would meet requirments for that type of transport. Yes. Yes. I would think homeland security would make sense. Seems an ask questions later situation for sure.
Opens it
It's a car.
"Sir, what are you doing?"
"What? The sign keeps people from getting too nosy, most of the time."
"I thought this was 'Murica!"
This is literally just a joke about how people become obsessed with dirt bikes or track days - whichever type of motorcycle he has in there.
I got infected by that one by my ex girlfriend's father of all people. Still fighting the disease 12 years later. I accidentally infected my wife too.
So that's where all the Abrahamic religions are stored.
North Sentinel Islanders: You haven't been trying hard enough
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
The cure for religion is education.
Just The Ark of The Covenant
Covid may be dangerous, but for most people your immune system cures you of it.
Rabies, which is likely what that truck is carrying, is almost always fatal if you're not vaccinated in time and there is no cure.
No joke.
Tell that to all the people who died or who have long covid.
Long covid is actually a subset of a series of diseases we have no cure for. It has similar symptoms to Lyme disease, ME/CFS, or PICS.
for most people your immune system cures you of it.
Just like polio. Make sure to use all the means at your disposal, including a vaccine tested on like 7 billion other people. If you can't handle the icky needle part, consider trying to overthrow your government in a shaman costume.
Yeah about that....
No, Pac-Man Fever.
The only cure is more cowbell.
We can be like they are
A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
How to ask terrorists to ram your vehicle.
They'd just be damaging two-wheeled addiction fun machines
Only MAGA-cultist are dumb enough to take this sign seriously. God for the lulz though.
Great fake album cover
Genie, for my first wish, I wish that everyone who has ever seen this photo or ever will can just look at the stickers right there on the bumper and see that this is just a joke about being obsessed with dirt bikes, not any kind of deadly pathogen or anything.
Seriously, it’s sad how many people over the years have taken the phrase written there far too literally.
With no context, how are we meant to take what looks like a warning sign?
What does "cry wolf" mean?
The context is right there on the trailer.
“Look twice” is a phrase to raise driver awareness of motorcycle safety. Right below it, though kind of hard to see, it says “[MO]TORCYCLES”
Then there’s the Yamaha sticker. They make motorcycles (and musical instruments lol).
Finally, you think some deadly pathogen would just be transported in a flimsy-ass consumer grade trailer? How about some Occam’s razor?
To “cry wolf” is to unnecessarily raise the hue and cry (either on purpose, or through naïveté), something those taking this phrase literally are far more guilty of than the owner of this trailer.
If I say “Watch out, don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard,” that, like the above, would be understood as a joke even though it takes the form of a warning. It’s not my fault if you freak yourself out worrying about literally hurting yourself by thinking too hard.
Waffle House syrup.
have you tried more cowbell?
It's too late for me, I've been addicted for 23 years...
A waffle house right by a day's inn? That's just convenient, ngl
Love Is a social diseaseeee!
apathy inside
North Carolina
I've got the need
Sure that there not just "greed" in it and the other sticker is just camouflage?
Challenge accepted.
Waffle House syrup.
Waffle House syrup?