"Mental Health" by Work Chronicles
"Mental Health" by Work Chronicles
"Mental Health" by Work Chronicles
What's PIP?
Performance Improvement Plan. Basically HR collecting evidence so you can't sue after they fire you.
Yeah. Just to add, it is ostensibly meant to be a way of going "hey, it looks like your performance is suffering. Maybe this is due to workload, stress, etc. problems. Let's work together to get you back on track". But of course it is really a sinister way to invent reasons why someone needs to be fired. Because if you get fired after PIP then HR can say "well we tried our best to help you succeed and you just couldn't do it"
They are a way of gaslighting and victim blaming an employee while firing them.
From the employee's perspective, it's basically an amount of time for you to find a new job while still on the payroll at your current company. There are exceptions, but generally speaking you either won't survive the PIP, or you will but you'll be at the top of the list during the next layoffs. And even if you somehow survive all of that, you're not looking at good raises and career advancement anymore at that company.
So use it as a runway to the next job and move on.
Yup. PIP == quit immediately, or at least spend a majority of your work day finding a new job.
At my job we had to fire some guy who just never work, but HR out him on PIP first and assigned him to another team at the company. A few weeks later the new team also wanted him gone, so it was time to fire him. Except HR forgot to tell him he was on PIP so he was only moved to another team yet again. This third team wanted him gone even faster than the previoua.
performance improvement plan and I am in no way speaking from experience
In the UK PIP is Personal Independence Payment, which is our disability benefit, which had me really confused, because no fucking way
A. your boss cares enough (or is even able) to get you on it and
B. the Department of Work and Pensions would give anyone PIP for "mere" mental health issues (I have multiple disabilities and am declined every time I have to renew my benefit because their default is simply to decline all applications).
So yeah, "performance improvement plan" makes much more sense lol
I reported a hostile work environment at my old job, where my new manager told another employee that he was "going to make his life a living hell until he quits". I was forced to enter EAP - I can't remember what it stands for, but basically seeing a corporate therapist to "deal with my anger issues".
All this started because I had no choice but to report him for violating literal federal law, which the company swept under the rug.
Jokes on him though - he eventually put his hands on me in front of several others and I got a year's salary. I tried to walk away while he was screaming in my face. He put his hands on my shoulders and shoved me onto my chair. I could have sued for more, but I took the agreement and ran and found a new job shortly thereafter.
Why does it feel like every comic by this guy is drawn completely identically, just with different dialogue each time lol
It's called efficiency and you should know about it. We might have to put you on PIP afterall...
It's called an art style. Most artists have that.
You have no control over your work or work environment. You do not understand why things are done the way they are. There is no belonging to anything other than a paycheck and sad trombone pizza parties. You are not growing from your work to reach your potential, or aren't being actively developed or grown. Your uniqueness is not recognized, you are a serial number.
The great news is, we've added menial cost mental health EAP to gaslight you as if any human could succeed in the framework above.
There was this one guy who wrote whole books on this kind of stuff. He called this "alienation" and was trying to warn us about it all the way back in like the 1860s.
You talking about Durkheim and "anomie"? If so, yes the concepts since the beginning of industrialization haven't changed, unregulated capitalism has only exacerbated the core issues of humans not having evolved to work the way companies want to operate.
Then they change their mental health therapist access program with Dialogue to give you 30 minute sessions to quickly "fix the issue" that's hindering your performance without addressing the actual mental problem that you are facing.
Work Chronicles
so it's a comic series about work? that's the most unimaginably boring, middle class thing i've ever heard. they fucking post on LINKEDIN, too
It's like Dilbert but without the batshit insane artist
I've got a 40% success rate with PIPs and I'm okay with that number. Our company also offers free licensed therapy through our healthcare. These political comics have lost all nuance but maybe that's just me being an old man.