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BBC News - Junior doctors in England start five-day strike Pay rise announced as junior doctors strike in England

NHS doctors will get pay rise of 6%, says government, as junior medics in England stage longest strike yet.

Pay rise announced as junior doctors strike in England
  • Junior and senior doctors are leaving the country and both parties have awful "plans" for the future of the NHS.

    In a friend's daughter's med school class half the students are studying for the US medical exams.

    Coming from an NHS doctor, it's fucked.

    • We really need an election, but we have stubborn sitting tenants in Downing St, who have no where else to go.

      • 8 months before the election, prepare to see the right wing media gear into action and spread lies about everyone except the Tories, and the 20 point leaf labour had will likely disappear, and I would be surprised if the Tories get back in again.

        However, rishi sunak seems to be a candidate that even the Tories hate, perhaps because he's not white and richer and more succe6and powerful than the average Tory voter- at least they found something in common with the Clown - an idiot who "you could have a pint with".

        God, tory voters are pathetic.