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The Lemmy.World Terms of Service now in effect

Hello World!

We've made some changes today, and we'd like to announce that our Code of Conduct is no longer in effect. We now have a new Terms of Service, in effect starting from today(October 19, 2023).

The "LAST REVISION DATE:" on the page also signifies when the page was last edited, and it is updated automatically. Details of specific edits may be viewed by following the "Page History" reference at the bottom of the page. All significant edits will also be announced to our users.

The new Terms of Service can be found at

In this post our community mods and users may express their questions, concerns, requests and issues regarding the Terms of Service, and content moderation in Lemmy.World. We hope to discuss and inform constructively and in good faith.

  • I think that community guidelines/ code or conduct should still exist at a top level, in a digestible form, and not nested within a legal document.

    They can still be part of the legal document, but should be made more accessible if said guidelines are cared about.

    Otherwise you'll find that it's a set of expectations that no one reads (And likely cannot find even if they where looking for them), when those expectations are critically important to community health.

  • How does a TOS work with federation??? I have no intention of breaking rules to be clear, and I assume if I did I would just get banned? I'm just curious what the legal implications are.

    I can see and interact with content on without ever visiting it, which feels like a grey area on the "accessing or using" part right at the beginning of the TOS. Maybe include a definition for what "accessing" is and can include in the context of the fediverse?

    Then again it might not matter, idk.

  • Is commercial splatter horror fine? What about a bit of good old eldrich horror?

  • 4.0.1: You were not permanently banished from the website in the past.

    Doesn't this imply that only having a temporary ban allows you to keep going on some other account? Seems like quite the loophole.

    • Idk, it seems pretty clear.

      If you got a permaban then you’re not welcome.

      The world temporary isn’t used there. There would be nothing to stop someone from just making a new account in either case. But if it were obvious someone was trying to get around that clause then it would be more than enough of a reason to swing the ban hammer.