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  • Mad respect to my comrades taking the time to try to engage and educate the liberals who literally refuse to have a positive thought about China. I've never seen one of them actually read an article or respond to the best points; usually they just find what they perceive is the weakest or most controversial argument and focus on that. Anything to deny the fact that sinophobic bias and believing propaganda is 90% of their reasoning for their shit takes. Still, I'm proud of the people in the community that still actively try to educate. I wish I had that patience anymore.

    • remember when all those people were screaming outside of their windows during covid lockdown? does PNY still have suicide nets installed on campus? hmmm...can you name a business in america that installs suicide nets for its employees?

      "libs refuse to have a positive thought about China"

      oh. I'm sorry i thought dehumanizing and slave work conditions were shitty. i must be wrong :(

      edit: i was mistaken. my local bakery and grocery store both have suicide nets installed. damn.

      • remember when all those people were screaming outside of their windows during covid lockdown?

        Not sure what this one is about, but China's focus community health during covid, and the sacrifices made by thousands of Chinese medical personell, made it have one of the lowest covid infection and death rates in the world, despite being the likely point of origin.

        China: 85 deaths per million

        US and UK: ~3,3k per million.

        The US lost a million ppl, more than it lost during ww2, sacrificing it's elderly and infirm on the altar of capitalism.

        Source: Our World it Data

        does PNY still have suicide nets installed on campus? hmmm...can you name a business in america that installs suicide nets for its employees?

        Foxconn is a Taiwanese comapany, and the PRC is of course not immune to worker abuses in it's specialized economic zones. What matters is the government response, which was to quickly address it.

        Also noteworthy in a given country is the state of despair and hopelessness among it's population.

        Let's compare China to the US, as well as it's liberal neighbors:

        countrySuicides per 100k
        South Korea21.2

        Source: World Health Organization

        Also I think someone below addressed your Uyghur question, but let's look at whether the world, and Muslim countries in particular (who would be the recipient of a refugee crisis of a genocide were occuring), think about China's handling of extremist terrorism:

        Interestingly, only the white anglo countries, who've been bombing the ME for decades, believe a genocide is happening. The Muslim (and African, Asian, and Latin American) world disagrees.

        How does the US, UK, France, etc treat it's muslim minorities, and ethnic minorities in general? In the US, 1 / 4 black ppl will spend time in prison.

        Slavery is fully legal as punishment for a crime. The US currently operates a system of slave labor camps, including at least 54 prison farms involved in agricultural slave labor. Outside of agricultural slavery, Federal Prison Industries operates a multi-billion dollar industry with ~ 52 prison factories , where prisoners produce furniture, clothing, circuit boards, products for the military, computer aided design services, call center support for private companies. 1, 2, 3

        In the present day, ICE (U.S.Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement), the police tasked with immigration enforcement, operates over 200 prison camps, housing over 31,000 undocumented people deemed "aliens", 20,000 of which have no criminal convictions, in the US system of immigration detention. The camps include forced labor (often with contracts from private companies), poor conditions, lack of rights (since the undocumented aren't considered citizens), and forced deportations, often splitting up families. Detainees are often held for a year without trial, with antiquated court procedures pushing back court dates for months, encouraging many to accept immediate deportation in the hopes of being able to return faster than the court can reach a decision, but forfeiting legal status, in a cruel system of coercion. 1, 2

        The US committed a genocide against it's indigenous inhabitants that served as the model for Nazi Germany, and got away with it. They're all incredibly xenophobic with respect to their muslim minorities.

        Which country or group of countries, do you think is telling the truth?

  • This is, at best, misleading. Out of the two highest spending superpowers, choosing a random $100b doesn’t show shit. Why couldn’t you make a good point for taking care of people without playing the “my preferred violent superpower is better than your preferred violent superpower” game? Neither state is working for the betterment of its people over its own interests.

    • Do not pass go, do not collect $200

      How many wars has China gotten into since the end of its civil war? How many places has the US invaded since then?

      Opinions formed from reading reddit posts will not work here.

      • A few honestly, the Korean War, Sino-Soviet border clashes, the invasion of Vietnam, troops in Cambodia to help them fight Vietnam, the first and second Taiwanese Strait Crisis, the invasion of Tibet, the Sino-Indian War, and technically as a part of the UN Security council they have troops fighting in Mali against ISIS currently.

        But I understand the point you are making and I'm not trying to discredit it, just wanted to give some context.

        Those conflicts are also nothing compared to the terror the US has committed.

      • You guys are all missing the point of what’s being said. No one is praising the US. The US, as stated, is a violent, colonizing superpower. But…so is china. What is it with communists that you guys can’t accept that your preferred states are still brutal governments? Western communists never move past the “well, I have to escape the WESTERN propaganda machine!” thinking. You just start swallowing the opposing brutal state’s propaganda output.

        It’s never just “the US is evil.” Which would be completely acceptable. It’s always, “the US is evil, china is the model!” What. It’s indicative of the state of online political education for our generation(s). Contrarianism is the name of the game. “Well, I’m not on this side, so I HAVE to be on that side.” No, you can call out brutal states, even if they call their party communist. But you all do love the state. As long as it isn’t that state.

    • Neither state is working for the betterment of its people over its own interests.

      What the fuck kind of sentence is this?

      First off, China has consistently been working to the betterment of its people year over year for the past 70 years. In 1950, the people of China were the poorest in the world after having been completely exploited by Europe to the tune of 60% of people being addicted to opium sold by Europe after Europe sacked Beijing to force them to allow Europe to sell drugs without interference. Now the people of China have a better purchasing power parity than the people in the US. In only 70 years! Educational outcomes and health outcomes have been getting better for everyone in China, including ethnic minorities, and China runs the world's largest system of ethnic autonomous regions where people speak their native language in all levels of schooling and their culture thrives.

      The USA can barely educate and house it's white people. Large ethnic minorities are ghettoized. The native peoples are experiencing slow genocide after the fast genocide. Native langauges and cultures are barely limping along, many at risk of extinction. Deaths of poverty and deaths of despair run rampant.

      The government in China enjoys a 95.5% approval rating. This is according to Harvard who spent 15 years researching it. The US has never seen those kinds of numbers.

      And finally, the US spends more on its military than the next 10 nations combined! If you take China's military spend, and Russia's, and combine them, you still need 8 more countries to match the US spending.

      As it turns out, China is absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt working in the interest of its people. And, when you have a functioning state, that means it's also working in the interest of the state. The interest of the state and of the Chinese people are the same. The interests of the people living on Turtle Island (native, descendants of slaves, and settlers) are absolutely not the interests of the state. None of the European settler states are working in the interest of the people living in their borders. Because that's how bourgeois democracies are organized.

    • This isn't misleading in any way. We can look at a bigger context here and it only gets worse. US has been continuously at war for 225 years out of 243 years of its deplorable existence, and US military budget is bigger than next 10 countries combined.

      Meanwhile, China hasn't been at war since the 70s, and it continuously invests in helping countries in the Global South develop their infrastructure developing win-win relationships. China has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty, and the standard of living in China improves with each and every decade.

      One has to be an utter ignoramus to think that China isn't working for the betterment of its people. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself, but you're too ignorant to realize it.