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hello midwesties

hi midwesties, hope you are having a nice time. I am from sweden.

  • What would be Sweden's Midwest? Norway?

    • Depends on the definition of midwest

      • Having lived in Sweden for about a half year and visited a few other times (study abroad and lots of family there), geographically the whole country kind of reminds me of the midwest (barring the more frozen part way far north where the trees get smaller). The more wooded and snowy parts of the north remind me of the upper midwest, the south more akin to the large rolling fields of the farming parts of the midwest. Vänern feels like a Great Lake. The archipelago filled Baltic coastlines remind me a bit of the rockier Lake Superior coastlines of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. I could see why my grandpa and many other Swedes felt comfortable emigrating to this part of the country about a century ago.

  • Have you visited the Midwest?

    Which places in the Midwest would you like to visit?

  • Hello from St. Louis, it's hot and humid here on Independence Day. Perfect for swimming!

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