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Canadians want urgent climate action, but most not willing to pay more tax: poll Canadians want urgent climate action, but most not willing to pay more tax: poll - National |

A majority of Canadians say the country will face more extreme weather events in the future, calling on the government to take urgent action, according to Ipsos polling

Canadians want urgent climate action, but most not willing to pay more tax: poll - National |

Unsurprising. And I suspect the results wouldn't be very different elsewhere.

And that's why we're fucked.

  • And the average person in any country shouldn't have to pay more tax

    Just tax the rich more and we'd be able to fix most of the problems our governments face.

    As it is, we're going to destroy the environment and usher in the extinction of our species just to save the portfolios and profits of a few hundred people.

  • I'm not really sure why I should have to pay more to the government so that a private corporation doesn't lose money when switching to another method of extraction and/or energy generation that destroys the planet slightly slower. Any government that wants to get serious about climate action is going to have to pass legislation banning the shit they don't want to happen anymore, because corporations and executives will not stop doing it out of the kindness of their hearts or their concern for their own children/grandchildren.

    Oil and gas companies should have thought seriously about the energy transition in the decades since they discovered that fossil fuels are polluting the earth - they've had nearly 80 years to think about how this might go and they chose to be lazy about it (i.e., corporate lobbying and hoping the problem would go away). They should have to pay for it, they make trillions of dollars in pure profit every year; it's not like they've been giving us a discount all these decades.

    Why am I expected to squirrel away every penny I earn for emergency expenses and retirement but corporations just get bailed out every time they fail to plan for the future? If governments want to prevent a behaviour they are going to have to get serious, but these politicians must be scared that they won't be able to score that awesome lobbying or consultancy gig after they've qualified for the public service pension (you get the full pension after 2 years of service) if they actually act with any sort of integrity.