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  • Hi! I noticed an issue with the headers sent by

    Headers sent from and to this website's official UI look like this:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
    date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 23:35:17 GMT
    content-type: application/json
    vary: accept-encoding, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
    content-encoding: gzip
    access-control-allow-origin: *
    access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS
    access-control-allow-headers: DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range
    access-control-expose-headers: content-encoding, content-type, vary, Content-Length,Content-Range
    X-Firefox-Spdy: h2

    Which is fine. However, headers received by custom clients look like this:

    HTTP/2 200 OK
    server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
    date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 23:33:50 GMT
    content-type: application/json
    vary: accept-encoding, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
    content-encoding: gzip
    access-control-expose-headers: content-encoding, access-control-allow-origin, content-type, vary
    access-control-allow-origin: *
    access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS
    access-control-allow-headers: DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range
    access-control-expose-headers: Content-Length,Content-Range
    X-Firefox-Spdy: h2

    There's two access-control-allow-origin! This still breaks web clients.

  • Hi Ruud, was wondering if you could check if actually exists on the server. It was added in 0.18.1 but either isn't being created or isn't public.

  • Definitely notice the improved speed and fewer errors lately. Thanks so much for hosting a great instance, and for keeping up with its needs.

  • Woo! Thanks for keeping this going in your spare time, hope you're getting time for cappuccinos! Congrats on the credits to you and all the team 👍

  • Awesome! Thanks for all your hard work and providing an excellent community experience.

  • Keep up the great work! I hope you can manage to get some time for self-care in.

  • Have any comments on the overall load on the server now and how it might look with any further growth?

    How does lemmy compare to say mastodon or calckey in terms of server load for example?

  • 0.18.2 is out, btw

    • Yeah, but we run a special build with the retry-queue disabled, if we don't we need to restart every 30 mins because of memory leaks. So I've requested another built of 0.18.2 without the retry