Latin American countries opposed the participation of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in their summit with the European Union in Brussels in mid-July and removed everything related to Ukraine from the draft declaration of this summit.
"The countries of Central and Latin America "threw cold water" on the EU's efforts to unite the continent to support Ukraine and call for colonial reparations in a counter-proposal to the draft declaration of the upcoming EU summit."
So on one hand they are not interested in standing up against the Russian attempt to colonize Ukraine but on the other hand they are very interested about colonial reparations?
So... are they pro colonization or anti colonization?
Just like the sounds of my neighbor beating the shit of his wife isn’t any of my concern. I have absolutely no moral obligation to help people in need.
I think it’s about showing that they want to be treated as an equal partner. Since eu made it all about their priorities they countered by replacing european concerns with latin american concerns in their proposal.
You know Ukraine is located in Europe right? And this is more of a case of shoring up Europe's borders against an agresssor trying to reclaim they former territory?
Why is the agressor attacking Ukraine though, has any liberal journal told you the reason? Has any of them told you about the american military bases quickly encroaching into Russian territory?
Has any of them told you the kind of policies Zelensky implemented? No, they haven't.