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  • I like him but he has dumb opinions like not critically supporting Russia and being religious.

    • Like I said, I think they do deep down have a much greater understanding of MLism and world events than they let out, but just have to keep it watered down for YouTube.

      I don't understand the religious comment. Marxists can be religious, it just can't interfere with the materialist line of thinking or stray into any cringe anti-democratic/oppressive policies (at least that's my opinion, educate me if I'm wrong)

      • Marxists can be religious, it just can’t interfere with the materialist line

        So, you are saying it's ok to hold conflicting philosophies or lying to yourself or maybe even being hypocrite? If you look at the "religious marxists", nearly all of them are terrible at either being marxist or being religious (or both). I don't negate that marxists and religious people can and should be on the same side now and then and even cooperate in some issues, but materialism openly and cathegorically negate religion in its entirety, without it it's not materialism but at best agnosticism.

  • He's doing most concise and easy to digest debunks and theory basics in youtube.

    He needs some polishing on antiimperialism, but it's not very visible, since he rarily even comments on war in Ukraine.

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