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"Rewrite the following script, but it is set in Ancient Sumeria. The characters are Sumerian."

[Open on Enlil grooming his hair in front of a reflective copper mirror. He wears a tunic of fiery orange, a canary yellow undergarment, and an olive-colored sash.]

Nammu: (voice, heard in the far-off background) Enlil.

Enlil: (alarmed) What is it?


Enlil stops smoothing [his] hair and glances around before resuming. Suddenly, [he] hears a distant voice.

[Nammu]:(offscreen) Enlil!

Enlil: (offscreen) Hey, Nammu, come over here!

Enlil: [Nammu], where are you? Are you far?

[Enlil opens a chest below the washing area]

What is this?

[Looking inside his comb for signs of a camera]

Is everything here to keep a lookout?

[Enlil looks around uneasily.]

Nammu: (calling out from afar) Enlil, come to the workshop, Enlil!

[Transition to Enlil arriving at the workshop. There is a pickled vegetable and a tool on Nammu's workbench.]

Nammu: On my anvil, Enlil.

Enlil: Art thou a specter, set to belch upon me?

Nammu: Invert the pickled vegetable.

Enlil: What sorcery is this? Shall I lay my hands on it and you claim it as an unearthly phallus?

Nammu: Do not falter, Enlil. Turn the pickle, and you shall find great reward.

Nammu, with a mischievous grin, is turned over. Enlil gasps upon discovering Nammu's face etched onto a pickle. "I've transformed myself into a pickle, Enlil! Behold! This is my grand reveal: I am a pickle! Why doth thou gaze upon me so, Enlil? I hath transformed myself into a pickle!"

Enlil: And?

Nammu: "And"? What more dost thou seek to add to this? I transformed myself into a pickle, and the collapse of the ziggurat was a hidden machination?

Enlil: Knowest thou it to be true?

Nammu: Who cares, Enlil? Wars and conflicts happen every day. Ah, here's something that's never happened before: I am a pickle. I am Pickle Nammu!

Enlil: Are you kidding me? Being a pickle doesn't make you cool or interesting. You need to find a way to turn back into your original form.

Nammu: But why? This is a great opportunity for me to explore the world in a new way. And don't forget, Enlil, I'm still a god.