Pristi tyden vychazi Cyber Knights: Flashpoint
Pristi tyden vychazi Cyber Knights: Flashpoint
Squad tactics heist RPG! In a cyberpunk setting ten years in the making. Build your crew of hackers, mercs and malcontents wisely; their stories will become interwoven with your own. Use powerful cyberware, faction connections, stealth, hacking & more to outsmart the odds and determine your futu...
Uz to nebude trvat dlouho a Trese Brothers vyrukuji s novou hrou.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint zbourali behem dvanacti hodin od spusteni kampane Kickstarter a uz se blizi pomalu, ale jiste do predbezneho pristupu.
Jak je u her z jejich dilny dobrym zvykem, tak hra nebude nejaka jednoducha solichacka na ctvereckach. Muzeme se tesit na uplnou volnost v buildu postav, zatim dvacetihodinovou kampan a skirmish mod.
Hry od tohoto studia vynikaji komplexnimi mechanikami, ktere jsou vyzvou samy o sobe. Bude urcite na co se tesit. Po doladeni hry v predbeznem pristupu prijde i release na vsech mobilnich platformach.