Nova Launcher Search gets better with more app integrations
Nova Launcher Search gets better with more app integrations

Nova Launcher Search gets better with more app integrations

Nova Launcher Search gets better with more app integrations
Nova Launcher Search gets better with more app integrations
Didn't this get purchased by some conglomerate recently? I know there was a reason I held it back from updates.
Ah yes, it's in the article of course:
"If you haven’t heard from nova in a while, it could be because they were in the news over a year ago when analytics company Branch acquired the brand from its creators Kevin Barry and Cliff Wade."
I stopped using it because of that for a while. I have not found another launcher that has the swipe up and down on home screen icons to open other apps, put 9 icons in the dock and a few other things I can't remember right now...
I blocked all Internet access to nova to circumvent analytics. Not sure if it's working but until I find a different launcher...
I'm currently using Kvaesitso. It's different, but it's worth a try There's also discreet launcher
Man I'm so with you. I love my 6 icon home screen with swipe actions and "secret" menus (with Tasker)
Have been using Niagara launcher for a while. Quite a different feeling than normal launcher but really great. You can swipe up from any app icon to either open a folder of more apps or attach widgets to a small pop up screen. Super handy and I love it.
I have not found another launcher that has the swipe up and down on home screen icons to open other apps
Do you mean using folder icons as app list covers, so that a tap opens the app and a swipe opens the folder? If so, Action Launcher does that (if I'm not mistaken it was the first to do so, and it's swipe up or down). Neo Launcher also has it (swipe up only).
I use Evie Launcher. It does some of the things you say. You need to find the apk somewhere, bc it's no longer available on play/aurora store
Some of that is supported by Action Launcher
This is the main feature keeping me on Nova.
I hope they don't fuck it up... It's been my launcher for years!
Used to be a big Nova user, but since I found Niagra I've never gone back. It's just way too clean and simple. It drastically reduces the amount of time I spend opening apps on my phone and I don't have to think about how to do the optimal home screen layout or set up app drawer categories.
Thanks for linking! Didn't even think!
Oh hey I started the subreddit for Niagara Launcher
It is gonna be a rough time for Android whenever Nova’s new owners get around to trying to come up with ways to “monetize “ Nova further. I wonder how many people would pay $10/month for a launcher.
Subscriptions SUCK
I've already bought sesame and all it's pay walls specifically because of Nova. I actually bought sesame at the first Nova integration and have found it very disappointing I'm pretty damn bitter at them actually because after promising to support various apps for shortcuts on my first review they still haven't about 3 years later on fact they've took away working features to charge for them a second time.
I'm still happy enough with Nova I've tried various launchers but it's still the best but mentioning search and nova together triggers me due to sesame and their outright lies and double charging.
I still use sesame. Tasker is set as assistant app and it will launch sesame when assistant is triggered. It has served me well, but integrations are breaking so will have to see how long it will last. I also have Nova Prime but switched after the buyout.
Sesame was also bought out by the same company, so Nova and Sesame developers are working together with Branch.
Sold to an analytics company a while ago though. Thanks but no thanks.
I used Nova prime for years, but with the Fold 5 it makes no sense.
I'm going to get one when the Black Friday deals (hopefully) come out. The taskbar only shows up if you use the Samsung launcher right?
Taskbar works with Novs, but Nova isn't good on foldables.
Which is the phone shown in the picture ? a sony?
Yes, that is one of the clocks for Sony. Looks like the Sony Xperia V or Sony Xperia 1 V.
15 years and still no custom sorting. I'll pass.