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Divinity Original Sins 2: An unbelievably awesome game

Recently I've discovered the joy of CRPGs, having previously only dabbled in them without spending any significant time on the genre.

With Baldur's Gate 2 just around the corner, which I'm sure many of us are hyped for, I wanted to try a similar CRPG to get a feel for whether I'm going to want to play it. Enter DOS2; this game is made by Larian Studios, the same studio making BG2, and is an absolutely incredible game.

From the graphics, which are stunning even 6 years on from release, to the combat which makes you think about your moves in a manner similar to how you might do in a game like chess, and best of all stories which are for the most part genuinely interesting. I frequently found myself surprised at events / characters / quests I found throughout the world, even small things like hearing someone screaming nearby then discovering they had been torn to pieces by voidwoken.

I recently just finished Act I and just started Act II but wanted to share a bit of love for this game as it is an absolute masterpiece with a well deserved 95% positive rating with 144k reviews on steam.

Please share your experience with DOS2 and whether or not you have fully completed the game!

  • I haven't played a lot of games like this but from all of the games I've played in the past 20-ish years, this one shot up to near the top of my list. I must have dropped at least 200 hours on this game on my first playthrough, just appreciating every little detail there was and doing all of the side quests.

    The gameplay itself is already amazing, but to me what really shone was the brilliant, brilliant writing. I have never read such intensely hued writing in a video game.

  • I could never get into it, tbh.

    Me and my partner at the time figured it'd be amazing for a couch-co-op thing, but it was so chaotic around NPCs due to the spam of random interactions flying off from two interacting characters, we just gave up on it. Breaking combat was a lot of fun though.

    I really ought to get back into it and just play it solo. 🤔

    • I think my most uttered phrase during couch co-op was «opps, sorry!» as I electrified/curse fired yet another surface by accident.

  • Quite slow paced and inventory management is a mess, but a very good game otherwise!

    I heavily recommend the Explorer difficulty if you aren't familiar with CRPGs, on Classic the game is quite hard even in Act 1 if you don't know how to play them.

  • It's a great game, very cool and crazy interactions can happen. But I never got totally invested in the map and story. That may be because I was playing coop. The difficulty is a bit tricky, at one level constantly retreating and throwing barrels is the only way to barely win. Go one notch down on difficulty and I never lose a battle.

    Also it irks me that physical armor prevents me from knocking someone over.

    But even thought I may never finish it, it's a very unique game.