I'm going to be a bit morbid here, but of all the diseases or mechanical ways to die, which would be your LAST CHOICE if given a preference. Dead last, so to speak.
There are so many things that would be fighting for last place honestly. Idk, being stuck deep in a cave Nutty Putty style for days, barely able to breathe, arms pinned totally by my side, legs all twisted, total darkness. Slowly suffocating as the blood pools in my head and I become delirous.
That terrifies me so much. But idk, there are so many horrific ways to die. There are many cases of people being tortured to death over weeks or even months if they somehow survive that long.
There are also a bunch of diseases that are all around awful and terrifying. That syndrome where you are trapped inside your own body, total unable to move anything but you are aware of everything around you, maybe would be the most horrific.
Idk, too many horrible ways to suffer and die in this world...
Every time I watch a video or read about that incident I feel myself start to almost panic. And I'm not prone to panic attacks or anything, but that scenario just makes me freak out.
Imagining the feeling of trying to move and feeling literal hundreds of feet of totally immovable rock encasing your limbs, not a milimeter of give or flex.
Ugg, literally making my heart rate go up as I type this :S