In my sixth psych ward visit i finally felt heard by therapists for the first time. I always had symptoms that overlapped with ADHD and pretty much everyone dismissed my problems as not relevant before that.
Nice! Do you feel comfortable sharing any more context or anything you wanna talk about? You can DM me or here or whatever
Edit: also, please, have yourself a good cry! And be gentle with you. You've come a long way, baby 😎😭
Edit: super picky small thing here but just give care to the way the language comes out sometimes. The "if you still care" thing is prolly completely innocent but it can be misheard or someone could take the more popular version espoused by Tony Soprano's mother ;) aha
Did you watch it?! Im actually not even 1000% she said it but the tenor of interactions between her and T Soprano is exactly the "if you even care about me [at all].
But yeah, no worries. Glad I might have saved you from a future jam aha