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Opinion: Quebecers, act now to freeze your credit file /opinion/opinion-quebecers-act-now-to-freeze-your-credit-file
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I wrote this article for the Montreal Gazette a few months ago and I think it might be a good idea to share it here. If a few more people freeze their credit files and they avoid a potential id theft disaster in the future, that's good enough for me.

For people outside of Quebec: contact your representatives and demand provincial / federal action!

  • Nice! How much of a hassle is it when you forget to unfreeze before filling for a new credit card?

    • Honestly, no idea. I just froze mine and haven't requested anything since. I guess the worst that will happen is that your request will get rejected because your credit is frozen and you'll have to unfreeze it (you can do that only for N days / weeks, so you don't have to re-freeze) and request your CC again.