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With essentially being dead because of the twitter API is there any good news mastodon accounts?

Like breaking news, general news?

  • Well, BBC just launched their own Mastodon instance, and that About page has several news accounts listed, and there is apparently more to come.

    • Smart move on BBC's part. They understand that the entire point of the Fediverse is to have your own instance that you control.

      They'll never have to worry about the CEO of the Fediverse changing how it works and destroying their ability to communicate with the public easily (cough Musk & Twitter cough), and they're in full control of whom they federate with and what rules will be followed on their instance.

      If every news organization and/or governmental organization had an ActivityPub, they wouldn't need Twitter or Facebook or whatever, period.

    • Followed them! Seeing that sorta sparked this post. was great with a great variety of accounts. Hopefully they come back.