Don't worry, I actually do like the SNW bridge
Don't worry, I actually do like the SNW bridge
Not OC
Don't worry, I actually do like the SNW bridge
Not OC
SNW actually uses warmer lighting than this DSC shot, which helps the set look much more like an updated version of TOS's bridge set.
Yeah that bridge looks more Disco than SNW
"Orange, really?"
So said Production Designer Tamara Deverell when she got samples from the original set from the Ticonderoga Set Tour in NY to colour match for that set in Discovery season two. She’s written about how that red is really orange.
Much better
Never noticed how blue everything was until now
That's why I love strange new worlds bridge it mixes a the new with the old.
he's even more confused
To quote one of the comics made for the JJ-verse, it's like something out of a bloody fever dream.
Sad that you needed to include that title lol
Better safe than sorry and I don't have to think of a funny title