trolley problem
trolley problem
trolley problem
this is my first comment here, just wanted to say that it's so nice to find a corner of the internet where i can be an openly vegan communist and vibe with similar ppl. I'm so tired of tiptoeing around "based" carnists that go full chud once you eat a veggie burger in front of them or ask them to not be speciesist. sorry for the mushy comment but ty yall đ
Welcome, and sorry for the same kinds of comments made by supposed comrades in this thread
thanks <3 yeah it hurts to see ngl, really wish carnists would simply stop being hateful
Me when I see a tasty looking bowl of beans
! welcomes u!
aww thank you!!! just subscribed!
the meme: "you're just lazy, right?"
the comments: "how dare you call me lazy, I actually enjoy hurting others"
How do you know someone's a carnist? Don't worry, they'll tell you
"haha you're vegan!!!! I will eat twice as much meat!! haah" dude i just mentioned it cuz we're going to dinner and it's actually relevant...
I'm starting to think the problem for a lot of people is that they just flat out don't know how to cook vegetarian/vegan dishes.
I'm thinking a lot of them are imaging some kind of hypothetical "cooked to perfection" meat dish with lots of spices and sauce vs like...cold, uncooked beans straight out of the can.
I'm not vegan, but isn't hard to prepare a nice tasting vegan meal, going vegan doesn't mean a person has to live a spartan culinary existence where food is for bland sustenance and nothing else.
This is my view on healthy eating in general. There needs to be some genuine attempt to educate people on cooking, and materials should be subsidized at worst. I was once arguing with a lib about the soda tax shit, and they kept saying how people should know how to eat healthier and grow produce and cook it, and I was trying so patiently to explain that raising prices from people in food deserts is not how you do that. Maybe start with regulating what companies can put IN food.
Absolutely, a huge amount of it is food culture. I remember seeing advice an reddit to do rule of thirds on your plate and I realized how limiting that is, and how much more difficult it'd be to make veggie meals. Unfortunately it's the only way many people recognize a meal, and the jump from a heap of chicken on your plate to a heap of beans is much larger than the jump from a lentil curry with chicken to a lentil curry without.
I cant really empathize with animals like how i can people. I hit possums with my car on the way to work all the time (once a month or so). Its unavoidable because they charge into the road and its too windy to move out of the way usually.
If i hit even one person id never live with the guilt and quit my job. Its unfair to expect 1 possum to equal 1 human. I understand you dont expect that. However, how many possums would i have to hit before it was enough for me to care much? It would have to be like when the cicadas come out - piles and piles of them for miles. I just value my husband having nice things more than the lives of those rodents, even though i like rodents a lot.
So the meat industry is basically a giant concentration camp of suffering, but im unsure if the suffering outweighs all the workers it employs, or evsn ths fact that they taste good.
At the same time, their suffering has value. Im excited for clone meat and i eat a lot of vegetables. It could easilly be that i cant empathize with them because of class consiousness similar to poor roman citizens not caring about the plight of slaves.
So, if veganism benefitted my class id be more enthusiastic in becoming a vegetarian instead of just using meat in moderation. It would have to be something about how me not eating meat or doing local activism for animals helps. I cant change society and me not buying meat wont actually help animals.
For example, my local activism was beneficial to people like me because it gave them a support network and community.
So the meat industry is basically a giant concentration camp of suffering, but im unsure if the suffering outweighs all the workers it employs, or evsn ths fact that they taste good.
it's okay that sentient beings suffer because you think they taste good. you must realise how genuinely fucked up that thought is, right? what gives you any right to decide your favourite treat is more important than a life? animals feel pain. they have wants that aren't purely instinctual. their right to autonomy is more important than your desire for treats or a paycheck for workers - paycheck that comes at a heavy price, mind you. a job that requires mass killing has negative psychological and sometimes even physical effects on people.
at the end of the day, we're leftists because we believe that pushing suffering on the innocent is wrong. pigs, cows, chickens have done nothing to deserve death. buying their corpses to eat is completely out of step with the values communists and anarchists claim to hold.
im unsure if the suffering outweighs all the workers it employs, or evsn ths fact that they taste good.
The workers employed in that industry very often end up with PTSD because of all the horrors they experience every day. Stopping the support for the animal holocaust is the best way to help those fellow workers possibly find a better job in the processing of plant based food, possibly saving their lives.
And yes, the suffering of others absolutely outweighs 15 minutes of sensory entertainment, how is that even a question?
veganism benefitted my class id be more enthusiastic in becoming a vegetarian
My first point already explained why it benefits your class, but I will also add that a vegan diet is the single most impactful thing someone can do to reduce their carbon footprint. So, if your class will suffer from climte change (it will) then going vegan is a necessity.
And also this: Veggie-based diets could save 8 million lives by 2050 and cut global warming
So the meat industry is basically a giant concentration camp of suffering, but im unsure if the suffering outweighs all the workers it employs, or evsn ths fact that they taste good.
Very good utilitarian way of thinking you're employing here, which can be used to justify everything else too
I know slaves are suffering, but their suffering doesn't outweigh the money they're bringing to the empire, or even the fact that the shirt made from the cotton they picked is guys know there's a such thing as humane and carbon-negative pork right?
Was about to be mad but then the image loaded
I would simply do photosynthesis
name checks out
Idea for a bit: a vegan Objectivist who lets the trolley hit the pig because he wasn't going to eat the pig anyway.
As a centrist, for a compromise I will only pull the lever half way.
Pretty disgusted at the carnism in this thread.
Honestly this thread is better then most, but I suspect Hexbear has a higher concentration of Vegans and people who support veganism. There's been plenty of "Lol VEgAn BAd" post on the regular meme and shitposting lemmies, and they're getting more popular with the influx of chuds from Reddit.
Yea it's definitely better here than most places. I guess I just hold leftists to higher standards.
Same. Deeply grateful for the pushback on it, though.
Hexbear reverts to liberalism when it doesn't have regular struggle sessions.
We're gonna see Joe Biden harm reduction posts in about 6 months lol.
We don't have enough edgy carnists comments in here so idk guess I would murder the pig or whatever, not like it has any feelings, and my momentary enjoyment of its taste is worth more than its life. I am a good leftist btw.
Uhh my turn for edgy carnist comment
Have you noticed how carnist kinda sounds like Carnotaurus and Carnotaurus are rad as hell?
Gets hit by a meteor and dies 65 millions of years ago
But, that does not mean that veganism is an invalid movement. Far from it. It simply means that the onus to become vegan is because it empowers a social movement that can end this horrific industry, rather than because of a individualistic consumer choice.
This is why I have a hard time morally judging my friends and family for not being vegan, but are vegan myself. Veganism is a political position, and I treat it similarly to the people I care about being . I should correct them when I can, but they are not individually terrible people for having the wrong political opinions (and, to a degree, behavior).
so much this!! itâs odd so many leftists donât seem to understand it
For this reason the only way we're going to get out of this mess is a technological solution (or society collapses to the point that we forget about animal husbandry)
But many vegans here have had very antisocialist views about how we must simply eat beans and need not improve food technology (re lab grown and plant meats, helping people with certain digestive disabilities) to increase adoption of veganism.
I mostly agree but think its strange to dismiss the individual part of it. Although a social movement is the goal being worked towards, I feel its a bit harmful to state the goal as 'global vegan movement' instead of 'stop exploiting animals' because that difference provides wiggle room to do harmful things if you don't expect it to affect the odds of the movement succeeding, which gets yourself thinking in unhelpful utilitarian terms. Easier to get intersectional-understanding benefits of connecting veganism to other issues, and be a better voice for that movement, when you're an abolitionist vegan who doesn't care if what you're doing might not be worthwhile according to an arbitrary metric.
The movement is of course the vitally necessary action to end the industry, but I'm also sick of carnist leftist friends excusing individual carnist actions because of it 'not really changing things', which I think is driving my thoughts here.
vegan thread breaks containment
Time for the mods to hose us all down with tofu removedant again.
I see the post
I see 200 comments
just an average day on hexbear
can someone please explain why vegans are allowed to engage in sectarian gatekeeping? Anarchists and MLs are rightly prevented from fighting about who is and isn't a real leftist, that should extend to vegan users not saying we're not real leftists for eating meat or using animal products.
Because the difference between anarchists and communists is one of strategy while the difference between vegans and bloodmouths is wanting to cause suffering for selfish reasons. It's not sectarian.
And no. If you're not following your ethics to the ultimate conclusion and still have a strain of "I deserve the exploits of others suffering" in you, then you're not actually a leftist.
because it makes you mad specifically
oh this dude is the anti-natalist weirdo
this is what i get for having 3 seconds of sympathy for this guy oml
can someone explain why rentoids are allowed to engage in sectarian gatekeeping? Anarchists and MLs are rightly prevented from fighting about who is and isn't a real leftist, that should extend to rentoid users not saying we're not real leftists for owning an apartment building we inherited from our grandparents.
I would post ppb at a carnist apologists like you but because
I think it's a form of animal crueltyBecause the rules specifically have a carve out for them.
Do you also need someone to explain to you why Patsoc's don't fall under the nonsectarian rule too? What about Va*shites? They're real leftists, according to themselves, so not letting them run rampant here is just blatant sectarianism, you're so right! The non-sectarianism rule should also extend to the Pro-Palestine gatekeeper users, always arrogantly telling Zionists that they're not real leftists just because they support a racist apartheid state conducting genocide. This all makes perfect sense.
No because even if you're a communist who organizes, reads, and helps your fellow human, you are a reactionary akin to a liberal conservative if you eat that turkey thanksgiving dinner
Muh multi tracking pork and bean treats hue hue hue
Sounds like we need another Dominion viewing.
JurassicWorld Dominion was shit and you wont ever make me watch it again
Carnist Catch 22, if it hits the beans then they'll be destroyed and you'll have to eat the pig to survive.
least problematic carnist be like:
i cant really empathize with animals like how i can with people. i hit dogs with my car on the way to work all the time (once a week or so). its unavoidable because they charge into the road from their yards and its too windy to move out of the way usually so i mostly just accelerate into them & drive over their bodies.
if i hit even one (1) person id never live with the guilt and quit my job. its unfair to expect one (1) puppy to equal one (1) human. (i know you dont expect that, but i feel better if i write this idk why).
how many puppies would i have to hit before it was enough for me to care much? it would have to be like when the cicadas come out - piles and piles of puppies for miles. i just value my fiance having nice things more than the lives of those dogs, even though i like puppies a lot. i will continue to hit dogs with my car, it is the natural order of things.
some details changed to protect the innocent & make dunking easier
I feel horrible when I run over a beetle. Holy fuck. This person has something wrong with them.
Okay, I'm going to take the quoted bit as made up or deliberately exaggerated for my mental health.
they mostly just swapped in "puppies" instead of "possums"
that whole quote reads like a school shooter's manifesto
Oh good, we havenât had this since federation
The lemmyverse is not ready for the power of our vegan posters. We were barely ready.
The site will break before the posters do
In this scenario, it appears I am a beautiful, divine creature, and I would be free of sin. I crush the trolley between my tendrils and devour it.
As someone who had pork and beans for lunch I must say idk
vegan containment breach, alert the prime minister
This website is nominally anti-exploitation, even of animals. That was the upshot of the last vegan struggle session. We vegans do not need to be "contained", and carnists who have a problem with that can fuck all the way off.
Hexbear self-crit non-fans: "I punch the person that reminded me I make this choice".
âim a leftist so i can feel better than everyone else, my contrarianism is not satiated if my own contradictions are discussed!! how can i moralize materialism to fill the void in my soul if the morality makes me feel bad?â
sapience and sentience are not the same
yup that's why i only eat people in a terminal coma. completely ethical and cheap!
Save the beans.
Always care about beans
Anyone actually choosing what they can eat is in a priveleged position weather it be materially, financially or health wise to be honest. Lots of people go to bed hungry around the globe.
Yes and? We can acknowledge that choosing what you can eat is a privilege, but those with that privilege should exercise it to minimize the suffering they cause in the world. "People go to bed hungry" isn't an adequate excuse for anyone with means to go vegan to choose to continue eating meat. This post has big "Well China creates more carbon pollution" energy.
I live in a country where a quarter of the population are food insecure and suffer from stunted growth due to malnutrition. I have gone to bed hungry a few times before.
China doesn't even create more carbon pollution per capita than most western nations, not even close. China is also in the process of industrialisation, something most western countries did many years ago.
It's important to be very sensitive to those people and their situation, but 99% of the people I have this conversation with are not those people, and use those people's existence as a trump card to avoid the conversation.
Not only that, they do the exact same thing with Indigenous people and their traditional food production and consumption practices.
99% of the people I have this conversation with are not those people,
Be glad you live in an area where the vast majority of people are food secure then. Many areas of the world are not like that. It's not a "trump card" when 20-25% of the population of the country you live in experiences moderate to severe food insecurity.
The vast majority of people on the planet choose what they eat and the first/second most populous (depends who you ask) country is 1/3-1/2 vegetarian and quite poor overall.
Killing animals is usually not a matter of food security.
If we stopped wasting so many resources on genocide against our fellow animals it would be much easier to feed everyone
good old-fashioned vegan struggle session, a hexbear delight! This one is a good post though. Also, I think "carnist" works a lot better than "bloodmouth" ever did, that one sounded way too cool to use as a dis.
Ooooh we got a new emoji
"Oh but there are a bunch of ants and bunny rabbits walking across the bean track, and only the bean track!"
I just wish people would stop falling for the utterly absurd anti-PETA propaganda.
Like, meat eaters unironically claiming PETA hates animals is just so infuriating I want to slap whoever says it.
one case of a shithead landlord calling them to remove a pet without a collar from the property turned into thousands of informed internet users who actually think PETA kidnaps pets because they're crazy radical anti-pet activists who think no animal should ever be owned, and if you try to tell them that this is a blatant lie spread by a public relations firm employed by the meat industry you're accused of being brainwashed (by who? how?)
Is it not true that their shelters have an absurdly high kill rate and that their founder believed that "pets" are better off dead then domesticated? These are the things I was told and would like them corrected if they are wrong.
I don't care for beans so I make the trolley crush the beans.
INAV for the simple reason that I'm not strong enough to have that level of self discipline, and autistically stuck in my food habits, but at some point I realized that vegans are essentially broadly speaking correct. Anyone who cares enough about defending their carnism has clearly had a nerve touched by this meme. Like, why not just ignore it and go on with your life if you're not going to change your habits anyway? You're certainly not going to convince a vegan to stop being vegan (and why would you want to lmao?). So just. Move on? I know we have a posting culture but on this one you really don't need to.
I have some squabbles with certain vegan arguments, mostly in the form of "you're correct but you're argument for it is bad" rather then "i think your argument is literally wrong", but I'm not going to bother fighting for something I dont even actually defend. My biggest thing is that I dont think consumption habits matter that much so I dont know why people fight for it so hard when there are better ways to fight the meat industry than simple consumer choices. But like, the meme still isnt technically wrong.
I have some squabbles with certain vegan arguments, mostly in the form of "you're correct but you're argument for it is bad" rather then "i think your argument is literally wrong"
literally my main criticism, the arguments sometimes are out of touch and dogmatic. But the vast majority have well thought out and consistent arguments, i think. I have rethought my stance on the subject many times due to this place, and i thank hexbear for that.
stop comparing animal husbandry to the atlantic slave trade though, thats just racist. I don't have another example off the top of my head but please do not use the slave trade one.
The reason you don't have any other examples that would be acceptable to you is because nothing would be. You want vegans to sit down and shut up.
Spoon is to soup as front-end loader is to aggregate. The relationship is the same; thing A picks up thing B. Nothing else about them is remotely similar however. The scale, what is picked up, how the device is used, they're different in almost every way, however you can understand that what they do is the same. Am I comparing soup to aggregate? No of course I'm not.
You have to be operating in very bad faith to suggest that many of our most important members here on our communist website are implying "actually slavery wasn't that bad after all."
I dont know why people fight for it so hard when there are better ways to fight the meat industry than simple consumer choices.
One big reason is to decouple your material interests from those of the meat industry. Someone is much less likely to oppose its cruelties if they're benefiting from them by getting cheap and plentiful meat.
I log off for 2 days and this is what happens?
Lesson learned, never logging off again
wtf i hate cheesecake now
"Where I'm going, you can't follow. Ilsa, what I've got to do, you can't be any part of. I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of a pig and a trolly don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that."
From Casablanca, if anyone else was like me and didn't know.
This is how we will out-post Excellent work StellarTabi
It is vital, the struggle sessions must continue
the people's struggle is posting
the great engine of progress
You say I'm used to the trolley hitting pigs, but not beans, so I'd go for the novel thing and see what happens.
I'm just here wondering why Prince is on the trolley
I think eggs are really yummy but I don't eat them because I know that egg farms treat their hens very poorly, and straight up kill all of their roosters moments after birth. Eating eggs and eating chickens are pretty equivalent.
Dairy and beef are also equivalent for the same reasons.
You can exist just being honest about the animal torture you support is really all I ask of you
If you're reading this thread and recognizing that there is a contradiction between your actions and your stated morals, then you're already most of the way there. Stop being a coward and go vegan. You will find that food tastes better when you aren't eating fear, death and sexual violence
Since you posted this "funny" little image of yours, I'm going to eat a whole swine tonight.
I'll be eating a whole Bean to counteract your work
It was a bit
how are we having this argument again lmaooooo
we need to gather around the campfire, eat beans, and share stories.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
It's important to remember that within the realm of dining choices, a curious mĂŠlange of ideas unfolds, causing us to ponder the multifaceted nature of our culinary preferences. It's as if we're assembling a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, where traditional and contemporary flavors collide, creating a fascinating yet perplexing mosaic of taste. As we venture further into the gastronomic terrain, the flavors on our plates take on an almost abstract quality. The comfort of time-honored recipes meshes with the allure of modern culinary trends, resulting in a somewhat enigmatic dining experience. Amid this epicurean landscape, whispers of a shifting dietary paradigm permeate the air, like trying to make sense of a complex equation with multiple variables. Conventional and innovative choices converge, weaving a narrative that challenges our understanding, leaving us oscillating between certainty and doubt. In this ongoing culinary exploration, we arrive at a crossroads where our choices seem to form a bewildering tableau of flavors. Veganism emerges as a prominent figure, neither fully assimilating into the dining scene nor retreating into obscurity, and we're left grappling with the intricate layers it adds to our culinary contemplations. So, we journey forward through this gastronomic labyrinth, where the boundaries between familiar and novel tastes blur. Veganism stands as an enigmatic force, beckoning us to decode the intricacies of our dietary preferences, weaving itself into the intricate fabric of our ever-evolving culinary landscape. In the convoluted gastronomic tapestry, an intricate dance of culinary concepts unravels, inviting us to ponder the complex interplay of what we eat. It's like navigating through a foggy culinary maze where traditional and contemporary dishes collide, creating a disorienting fusion of flavors.
As we delve deeper into the culinary landscape, the diversity of flavors becomes a perplexing riddle, as if trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. The comfort of familiar recipes intermingles with the intrigue of new dietary trends, forming a tantalizing yet confounding tableau on our plates.
Amidst this culinary puzzle, the emergence of a potential shift in dietary habits is like deciphering a cryptic message, where conventional wisdom and modern culinary innovations intersect, leaving us to decipher an ambiguous narrative. As we progress in our culinary exploration, our choices become increasingly intricate, akin to threading a needle through a labyrinth. Veganism appears as a central enigma, neither fully assimilating into the culinary landscape nor fading into obscurity, provoking thought and confusion within the tapestry of our dining choices.
Wait. The pig is sentient?
Yes. It is not sapient however. This is a common vegan tactic to make us bloodmouths feel bad.
Pigs could well be sapient too. It really depends on where you draw the line for "sapience." If you mean "able to think" or even "self aware" then pigs almost certainly are sapient. If by sapient you mean "of or relating to the human species" then obviously they aren't, but that latter definition has no bearing or point in this discussion. You bloodmouths (that's your wording!) keep trying to find some line you can draw in the sand that makes the torture of non-humans acceptable, but every time that line is examined it turns out it doesn't exist, or at best, it turns out to be such a fuzzy boundary that it consigns tonnes of humans to the same status that's used to justify the treatment of the beings tortured and killed as treats for carnists.
Pigs were sentient long before humans conceived veganism
I like bacon but I think it is pretty well established most animals are sapient.