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PSA: Some maps might not progress the Vault Special Task "Complete 15 Tier 3 Rift Hunts"

E. g. Sandswept Isles

Today I made some progress (5 Tier 3 Rifts) by joining a commander in Amnytas who was using Rare Motivations to track and open Tier 3 Rifts. Then I joined a squad in Sandswept Isles doing the same thing, but I wasn't making any more progress towards the task while the commander (who was using the motivations) apparently did. Though I received Tier 3 Essences from the event itself, i. e. not (only) from weekly reward chests.

Also, Sandswept Isles did not work for the Rift Hunt Vault Daily Task (a day or two ago) and there is a [merged] bug thread on the forums about various Rift Hunt Reward Issues.